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Problem with Photo Album+ for iPad


iPF Novice
I transferred some photos to Photo Album using SSH and put them in var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE. This automatically created an album called Photo Library but I cannot move pic to or from. I also cannot find where this album resides in iFile. I can't delete the album, either. I'm stumped. I'd rather have the photos from the Photo Library album in the camera roll album where at lease I can use the Photo Album+ for iPad functionality to move them to the albums I want them in. Can anyone advise?

Photo management is terrible. There exists the possibility to pull photos into the photo manager, but you cannot create new albums within the device. You must do it from iTunes. If there was one thing out of this whole list that Apple could do for me, it would be this one: Let me create new albums on the iPad itself.Many apps support the only cross-app sharing that the iPad has -- photo saving. But it only lets you save to a single album on the iPad; a generic photos album. When the photos get in there, they can't be moved to another album without connecting to a PC. This further emphasizes that the iPad is not a netbook replacement, because it doesn't have the basic management and organization features that a netbook does.
I transferred some photos to Photo Album using SSH and put them in var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE. This automatically created an album called Photo Library but I cannot move pic to or from. I also cannot find where this album resides in iFile. I can't delete the album, either. I'm stumped. I'd rather have the photos from the Photo Library album in the camera roll album where at lease I can use the Photo Album+ for iPad functionality to move them to the albums I want them in. Can anyone advise?


Maybe ssh'n back in and delete the specific pics thus deleting the folder. If you can find the specific pics with ifile....tap the lil blue arrow on each file and "add to camera roll".
Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to put pictures on the iPad via iFile except on a "one at a time" basis.

To make life easier, try putting your picture folder in Dropbox - then access it from iFile, open each picture and save to the Photos app.

Not pretty, but faster (?) than putting the folder into iFile first. If you don't have Dropbox, you can sign up for a free version (get 2 GB storage free) and it integrates wonderfully with iFile.

Or, put the folder right into the images folder (/var/mobile/Media/DCM). The Photos app still won't see it (from within Photos), but at least it'll be in iFile for you to open/save each one...

Yeah, not much help. Sorry.

A swipe to the right on the folder line (in iFile) doesn't bring up the red Delete button? Cause it did on mine...

Got no other suggestions, sorry.

Thanks for the hint to use DropBox. Fabulous idea! Now if I could only get rid of that other darned folder.:D

Cheers, Dan
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I transferred some photos to Photo Album using SSH and put them in var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE. This automatically created an album called Photo Library but I cannot move pic to or from. I also cannot find where this album resides in iFile. I can't delete the album, either. I'm stumped. I'd rather have the photos from the Photo Library album in the camera roll album where at lease I can use the Photo Album+ for iPad functionality to move them to the albums I want them in. Can anyone advise?


Maybe ssh'n back in and delete the specific pics thus deleting the folder. If you can find the specific pics with ifile....tap the lil blue arrow on each file and "add to camera roll".

Now when I go into the photo app I'm greeted with this message;
iTunes Sync Needed
High Resolution images synced via iTunes are missing. Connect your device to the computer you sync photos from and launch iTunes to sync them.

This won't help as I have deleted them from iFile.
I wish I could find the bloody album in iFile but alas....
Personally, I think Photo Shack Pro does a great job at photo management. It's particularly well suited as a companion app for the avid digital photographer that doesn't want to have to lug around their notebook computer. You can create albums within libraries, sort and organize your photos into them without actually duplicating any of them or wasting storage space. It runs off of your iPad's Photos library.

How, exactly, does this apply to my original post?
A swipe to the right on the folder line (in iFile) doesn't bring up the red Delete button? Cause it did on mine...

Got no other suggestions, sorry.


No it doesn't because the folder wasn't created in PhotoApp+. I was magically created by the folder Goddess when I SSH'd the photos into 100Apple via iFile. Also, I can't find the folder in iFile. {maybe it is an Xfile} Sorry if I sound sarcastic but I'm so frustrated over this. Having this unwanted unusable folder that I can't use or remove in my photo app is like having a steaming dog turd on a white carpet in the middle of the room and you can't remove it. You are just stuck looking at the stinking think. It galls.

Maybe there is medicine for this, yes? Lol.

Cheers, Dan
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I know the thread is ageing a bit now and you may have got rid of the "steaming dog turd" lol but if not and for others like me that had a similar problem and spent ages looking for the ifile location (thats what led me here, so thought when i found the answer id report back ) here it is " var/mobile/media/photodata/sync/100syncd "

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