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Problems with POP3 emails


iPF Noob
Oct 10, 2011
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Hi there

I have set up 2 email accounts on my ipad2, one is a Hotmail account and the other my work email. When I am at home, both work perfectly. However, when I am in the office, I often receive a message that the POP3 account can't connect with ther server. I have full phone and wi-fi signals. I have just tried it again to get the full wording of the error message and it worked perfectly. Anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
There are two possibilities. If you cannot even receive mail, then it may be that your company has a firewall or a proxy server that is preventing your iPad from reaching outside the company. This is common practice in many organisations as a security measure. If, however, you can receive email but not send it, then it's the 'Port 25 relay' problem and you'll need to switch from POP to IMAP.

Hi Tim

This seems to be an intermittent problem just with Hotmail. I had the error message when I tried about an hour ago but it's just dowloaded all the emails with no problem. It's my own company so it's not anything to do with that.
OK - there have been some reports recently of problem with Hotmail, so it could be a problem at their end and not yours. Might be wise to hang fire for a while to avoid a lot of trouble on your part when it's really their problem....

Hi Tim!

I have hotmail, too. Last night I sent quite a few emails to which I got no reply. Very strange considering the nature of the emails. I sent another one to the same group this morning and again, nothing. I looked through my sent folder and none of the emails were there. It's like they just disappeared!

When I went back again to the sent folder just a bit ago, I noticed on the bottom in very faint letters it says "3 emails not sent" ... or something like that. I have no idea how to retrieve them.

I'm not sure this bit of information matters, but this was my husband's iPad. He took it to work and their IT guy set it up for him. When I "borrowed" it from him, I deleted his email accounts and added mine. This is going to be a really stupid question, but when the word "server" is used, was I suppose to go in and make changes to the settings? And is this iPad in any way connected still to his work emails? ... Sigh ...

Sorry! Should I have looked through the forums before asking so many random questions at once? As you can see, my knowledge is very limited!

Thank you for your time.

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