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Promising Tweets from @notcom regarding iPad2 3G...


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Regular members will know how much I dislike simple reiteration of the twitterverse stream, however Semaphore (@notcom), the genius behind TinyUmbrella, seems to be making some very encouraging noises regarding the testing of a new tool with iPad2 3G owners who are stuck on 5.0 but have 4.3.3 blobs...

If we were being optimistic, this could lead us to think there may be a way to get round the current limitations which 3G owners are suffering with where their previous blobs cannot be used to downgrade because of the subsequent failure to restore the baseband...

Exciting Times! Stay tuned... :)
He did but he also stated there are quite a few bugs and he has no ETA for it's release. It is good news to hear that he has been able to do it though :)

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