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PUT APP ICONS ANYWHERE! CustomGrid Cydia Tweak For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad


Super Moderator
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY1Z8_pqNcg]YouTube - ‪PUT APP ICONS ANYWHERE! CustomGrid Cydia Tweak For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad - iOS Vlog 486‬‏[/ame]​

CustomGrid is an awesome tweak that lets you add up to 12x12 Columns and Rows on your iDevice. This means you can basically set up your homescreen as you would on Windows or OS X where you can put icons anywhere. There are very few places that you cannot set down an app, but for now this works the best. You will need CustomGrid + GridLock to actually move/separate icons from their native grid style, but they are both amazing tweaks that you should certainly have. Check out CustomGrid in the Cydia Store for $.99.

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