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putting ipad 2 to full use?


iPF Noob
i am new to the ipad and don't want to be missing out on using its full potential . I am using it for internet browsing , messaging , email , tv , ordering pizza

i really want to get more out of it tho , any recommendations on apps or some cool things it can do that am really missing out on ?

thanks in advance
Books, magazines, FaceTimeing with grandkids, shopping, taking garden, grandkids, quilt photos (the camera is not great, but adequate), supermarket lists, Christmas lists, reminders of everything with my failing memory...videos of quilt classes, etc., etC., etc.
Hello Weeman - welcome to the forum! :)

There are 10s of thousands of apps and numerous hardware devices for the iPad, so almost impossible to suggest specific ones that might serve your needs - some ideas have already been given; hardware devices that I own are an HDMI adapter/HDMI cable which allows you to attach the iPad to your HDTV to watch movies, project videos, and show pictures; Apple BT (Bluetooth) keyboard (really needed if you do a LOT of typing either as emails or into writing apps, such as Pages), CCK (camera connection kit), and BT headphones (which I use mainly w/ my iPod).

Concerning apps, you really need to provide some information on your interests; check through the forum, visit the App store, and review some magazines on 'best' apps; I'm subscribed to PCMag, PCWorld, & iPhone (two of those on my iPad only using the Zinio app); these constantly have comments on apps and occasional feature articles on the 'best' ones - check their websites. Good luck in your search - so far, you've barely touched the ground! :D
Have you tried the teleportation device on your iPad2 yet? I use it to travel between galaxies since I already reached the end of the information super highway two weeks after I purchased my iPad2.

j/k...........There are hundreds, if not thousands of cool apps to fit your every needs. Enjoy your iPad2!!
Dont worry so much. Use it for what you need to use it for. Noone will likely use every possible feature or whatever. Mine is for browsing, gaming, and some productivity. Lovin it!
hi guys thanks for the replies , i know there are lots of apps to basically do anything , i am from uk and love the nba so i use the nba.tv app to watch the games - just wondered if anyone used it for something maybe out of the box? would hate to have a top tech item and not use it to its potential - like having a ps3 and only playing ps2 games on it
hi guys thanks for the replies , i know there are lots of apps to basically do anything , i am from uk and love the nba so i use the nba.tv app to watch the games - just wondered if anyone used it for something maybe out of the box? would hate to have a top tech item and not use it to its potential - like having a ps3 and only playing ps2 games on it

As I learned in this forum the free for the basic storage program "Drop Box" should be on everyone's iPad.
Best item I bought so far for my 2 week Ipad was Apple TV. Now I can stream all of my movies from my PC to my 62" TV without any wires!
i am new to the ipad and don't want to be missing out on using its full potential . I am using it for internet browsing , messaging , email , tv , ordering pizza

i really want to get more out of it tho , any recommendations on apps or some cool things it can do that am really missing out on ?

thanks in advance

Weeman-I really did not know what to expect from my ipad when I purchased it last September. Only until I started to really begin to understand its use was when I started searching for very specific apps to fit my needs for work and home. Play around with it for a few weeks, than you will have a better idea as to what you have been using it for! Good luck and welcome! :)
Congrats for the purchase. I will advice you to simply know what you want for that will give you the lead to the apps you need. I was angry at myself when I first purchased mine last July. After two months it has become a full replacement for my laptop, which I only need at home for more complex work. I use it for the Internet, for creating and editing documents. As the time goes just google what you want on iPad and get the leads you need.
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Well, if you want some serious use suggestions, start by thinking of your iPad as a tool and not an entertainment device. Although it has to be the best entertainment device on the planet, it's so much more.

As a student, you may want to check out Awesome Note (also known as aNote). It has tabs that can be added, removed, and/or renamed. My suggestion would be to have one for each of your classes. You add notes to tabs/classes by date. So this could be used for capturing the days notes or the due dates for assignments. Awhile back, I got a tablet PC, one of those you can write on the screen with a stylus, btw, the best student PC out there. It had a similar program that came as part of an Education package with it. ANote is a great app even for the non-student.

USA Today is a great app for staying up on current events and I highly recommend it. I use it every day and currently, the daily updates of content is still free.

ESPN ScoreCentral XL is great for keeping up on college or professional games - not sure about those played on your side of the pond, but it's great over here.

This forum is the best place for continued education and bouncing ideas off of.

Other than those, i use the regular built in stuff. Learn everything you can and lets prove to the masses that this IS a device for more uses than gaming and video watching. My iPad 2 was provided to me by my company, proving that it's making it's way into large corporations.
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Lots of ways to explore. Good start using the iPF. I like Genius in the App Store and Appstart. Have also used Appshopper and
Discvr to find new apps. And nothing beats suggestions from like-minded friends.

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