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Pwntunes ipad 1/2


iPF Noob
Has anyone got this working yet? I was reading up on it and the pwntunes looks for the music~iPhone and as the iPad has music~iPad, pwntunes can't find the music application. I tried a fix which is ssh into an iPhone and copy the music~iPhone to the iPad, but when I choose that the screen just flashes! Its really annoying. Just wondering if anyone has the same problem and also is there a way I can change pwntunes path to the music~iPad application?
I tried it with an iPad and an iPad 2, won't work, I thought at first it may of been licensing issues but on the pwntunes website it says you can use it on multiple devices if purchased through cydia.
The problem seems to be 5.0.1 related and due to the changes Apple made on the music app. I used pwntunes on 4.x where it worked well, but don't use it any more as now I am an iTunes Match subscriber.

Sorry I can't help further. I know you tried your ipod app from iphone4s, but I believe you need to source one (legally of course) from an iPodTouch, not an iPhone4S.
Thanks F4780y that's what I thought, I don't know why this hasn't been fixed yet though as there is loads of complaints on the pwntunes forum, it's a bit annoying as its probably one of the most expensive apps on cydia! I did email the developer and give him his due he did respond but just said he'd have a look at his iPad. I guess it will work eventually as its working on the iPhone 4s with ios 5.0.1 but it is frustrating. I had a look at the plists and the app does point to the music~iPad as will as mobilemusic and music~iPhone do I don't really get why it's not working.
addiosamigo said:
Update: today pwntunes has updated the app and it now works with iPads on ios5!

Great news. Glad you finally got a working version after my initial recommendation ;)

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