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Hi, Ive downloaded pwntunes via cydia and have been trying to follow the instructions on a website so that i can transfer music to the installed ipod on my ipad, i have a problem though which is the following:

When I get to the RENAME MY MUSIC FOLDER part it instructs to goto var/mobile/library select MY MUSIC FOLDER and rename to MY MUSIC.BAK.......I have no MY MUSIC FOLDER in var/mobile/library

P.s sorry for the shouting letters but i also dont know how to select bold to make lower case stand out, not doing well tonight but seriously can anyone help with music folder thing?

Thank you.
Can knowone help me, ive posted a few questions on here now and no answers, find it a little bit rude to be honest , sorry guys but can anyone help, sorry if i upset anyone by my comment but im feeling theres not much pointers help on here or is it just me ?
Well, one of your biggest problems was that you posted about your issue in the wrong section of the forum. You had posted in the tutorials section, which is only a place for how-tos and tutorials. It's not a place for questions (unless the question is about a specific step in a tutorial) and I should imagine not many people go there on a regular basis. So, they would not, could not, have seen your question.

Second, it's a function of a forum that if people don't know how to help (either because they don't have the tweak or can't duplicate your problem), they won't answer. It's not very helpful when people respond to a thread to just sympathize with you, right? :)

In fact, that's why I'm stopping here. I don't use Pwntunes, so I have no idea how to fix it. My only question is - did you send an e-mail to the developer of the tweak to ask for assistance? Oftentimes, that's usually the quickest way...

Regardless, now that your post is in the main Hacking section, hopefully someone will see it and be able to help.

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Thanks for the move bud , i thought i was posting correctly duh , I havent asked the developer where can i find there email is that/or should it be on the cydia app page ?
I am looking at the instructions for getting pwnTunes up and running and I don't see anything about renaming the folder. The folder won't exist until you have started to actually use pwnTunes. And renaming it to a .bak file looks like instructions for backing up an old version. What is it you are trying to do exactly?

This is the guide I am aware of - SpiritOfLogic - View topic - [OFFICIAL] PwnTunes HOW TO guide

To use it, you should simply be installing it and running it. If you are on WindowsXP, you need to apply the WinXP Fix as detailed on the guide.
Ive not installed it or plugged ipad into laptop at all, ive downloaded some music on my ipad which is not in my ipod(on ipad) so i want to transfer music by using ifile/pwntunes to my ipod(on ipad) so that i dont have to troll through all libraries and folders to play , do you know what i mean, hope this helps and maybe you could explain what im doing wrong, thank you.
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