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Question about the target group of the iPad?


iPF Noob
Dec 7, 2010
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Hello everybody,

I have a question. Let me introduce myself, my name is Stefan and I'm doing the study Communication and Multimedia Design at the University of The Hague (Holland).
At the moment, I'm busy writing a 'target-group analysis' for the iPad. Which group of people is Apple trying to reach with their iPad. At the moment I am looking for information on the internet, but it's pretty hard to find concrete data about this subject. For example: Apple is trying to reach: Men, 15 / 60 years old, study, work, financial aspect, etc.
Can anyone help me out with this? Does anyone have any information regarding this subject, which target audience /target market the iPad has?
Thanks for your answers in advance!! It's really appreciated!!

Greetings, Stefan
You may need to setup some kind of pool here with Q and Ans
I think Apple is really trying to target all ages and uses. You may have a hard time narrowing it down. The OS it complex enough for advanced users and simple enough for a child to use. Same with the app store there is an app for everyone......:D
Apple is only interested in premium products, and they expect to make money on the hardware, unlike Google/Android. Finally, take a look at some of our polls to see average age etc..
Apple has successfully targeted everyone, men and women, all ages, except extreme tech geeks.

<Looks up from his latest DIY build a computer article, glancing at the stacks of Linux systems used for network security testing. Finally pushes aside the new graphics card he is installing into the gaming rig>

Excuse me, the iPad isn't intended for extreme geeks?? ROFL

Actually the target audience is anyone who has a few hundred dollars they were thinking of burning anyway.
Thanks everybody for your feedback. I think most of you are right, the target market for the iPad is almost everybody. In first, the early adopters will be there (which are the mac-fanboys -altho they are also in the early stages as the innovators - and the 'geeks').. but after this, the 'normal' housemen/wifes will purchase one.
I've read some articles where they compare the iPad with the Wii. The article says: A console for everyone else: It turns out that there’s a lot more non-gamers than gamers.
Which is exactly what Apple is trying to do! There are so much consumers that aren't 'hardcore pc-fanatics'. They just want to check their mail, internet, some photo's and (for example) the weather forecast.. they don't want to fire-up a computer or a laptop in the evening after they come home from work sitting all day behind a computer already, they just want the easy-to-use iPad for their 'needs'.
It's indeed really hard to narrow down the target audience for the iPad.

Thanks again for all the feedback, it's really appreciated and it helps me alot!!
Apple has successfully targeted everyone, men and women, all ages, except extreme tech geeks.

<Looks up from his latest DIY build a computer article, glancing at the stacks of Linux systems used for network security testing. Finally pushes aside the new graphics card he is installing into the gaming rig>

Excuse me, the iPad isn't intended for extreme geeks?? ROFL

Actually the target audience is anyone who has a few hundred dollars they were thinking of burning anyway.

Didn't say that NO tech geeks will buy it. It just wasn't aimed directly at you.
Before you write any kind of 'not hardcore gamer' into your thesis, consider that iOS has outsold every other portable game system combined, both games and hardware. Google it, some reputable sources are reporting it.
Frankly there is no direct target group as it fits all ages, all classes and multinational sure there is a group out there that think it's a toy as it does not do what they want however it is obvious that it suits the masses and even in Australia apple is having trouble keeping up with the demand
My wife swore she had no use for one, then she saw mine. Gonna be expensive Christmas I fear.
Excuse me, the iPad isn't intended for extreme geeks?? ROFL

Didn't say that NO tech geeks will buy it. It just wasn't aimed directly at you.

I'd agree with that. Apple typically targets the less than tech savvy, which is the their hardware is difficult to upgrade and the software minimally configurable - they know their audience isn't looking to "get under the hood."

The problem with these sorts of questions on the internet is that, while Apple clearly targeted upper middle-class, college-educated 18-45 year olds that already own another iOS4-based product at the outset, a destitute 80 year-old drag queen with his GED will post announcing that since he got one it's clearly targeted at that group.

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