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Question abt loading ipad Apps

iPad apps loading question

Hi guys.
Please don't slam me, if my questions seems ludicrous.

I have a bunch (over 300) iphone apps - will I be able to load these directly into the ipad?
or does the ipad need to be hacked (jailbroken), (which I would probably not do) ?

How about apps downloaded from the web or torrents ? Anything special that need to be done to the ipad to load them ?


Hi - I am a jailbroken iPad noob. I have downloaded apps from web sources and had no major problems but I want to know how to add apps from my PC to the iPad. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cause its illegal and not allowed to be discussed on these forums.
1. He was asking already about installing apps from untrusted sources, so it's not like I was pointing him in the direction of sin

2. The mods themselves talk about installous:


3. No where in the rules does it say it is against the rules of this forum.

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Cause its illegal and not allowed to be discussed on these forums.
1. He was asking already about installing apps from untrusted sources, so it's not like I was pointing him in the direction of sin

2. The mods themselves talk about installous:

There are police on the streets that break the law two, doesnt make it right.

3. No where in the rules does it say it is against the rules of this forum.

1. No content that is considered racist, obscene, x-rated,or objectionable will be tolerated. All such posts will be deleted without notice and the member who posted it will be banned. This includes avatars.

Also this is posted under the rules as well.
Jailbreaking per se isnt illegal, as long as all modifcation is to your own property.
Trying to promote,sell, or share jailbroken firmware or hacked software however is, as its under Apples copyright and patent.

ROMS for nintendo, playstation and all other emulators are pirated software and fall under the same category togheter with certain software in Cydia that allows you to install paid apps for free from the appstore.

Discussions, links and sharing of any of these on the forum will be deleted and the member will recieve one warning. A second warning will lead to being banned.
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Hi guys.
Please don't slam me, if my questions seems ludicrous.

I have a bunch (over 300) iphone apps - will I be able to load these directly into the ipad?
or does the ipad need to be hacked (jailbroken), (which I would probably not do) ?

How about apps downloaded from the web or torrents ? Anything special that need to be done to the ipad to load them ?


If you are saying you have purchased 300 iPhone apps (I have about 250 if you add up iPhone and iPad apps) that you have legally purchased in the app store then you can install them on your iPad by synching them thru iTunes just as you would a new iPhone...if you are saying you have downloaded them and would like to sideload them....well that is against the rules here and will not be discussed.

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