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Question for anyone thats Jailbroken there ipad 1st gen


iPF Noob
Hi all

So basically I've run a search on google & different websites but can't find the answers to my questions.

I have an ipad 1st gen wifi + 3G I'm about to pass it over to another family member as il be getting the new ipad.
I want to jailbreak ipad 1 first, so my questions are.

> once it's Jailbroken can you still plug it into iTunes?
> will it still be able to be used to txt message even though iMessage is a apple thing?
> will iCloud be void & not working?
> how do I back up all photos & contacts that are on the ipad now?
> do I lose all apps I paid for when ipad wasn't Jailbroken?
> why is it worth jail breaking compared to how the device is now?

Any answers would be much appreciated :) :)

Thanks in advance
once it's Jailbroken can you still plug it into iTunes? Yes

will it still be able to be used to txt message even though iMessage is a apple thing? Yep

will iCloud be void & not working? No iCloud should work

how do I back up all photos & contacts that are on the ipad now? I'm pretty sure you just back it up

do I lose all apps I paid for when ipad wasn't Jailbroken? Only if you dont back it up

why is it worth jail breaking compared to how the device is now? Well i cant really answer this one

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