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Ramon from Michigan working abroad


iPF Noob
Oct 3, 2010
Reaction score
Royal Oak, Michigan
I'm a new user. I bought the iPad for recreational use, but now I'm interested in using as. Productivity tool as well. I am really interested inearming how to file and manage Files.
Are You from Abroad Working in Michigan

I'm a new user. I bought the iPad for recreational use, but now I'm interested in using as. Productivity tool as well. I am really interested inearming how to file and manage Files.

Or are you from Michigan but currently abroad?

In any case, welcome to the forum. Please be a little bit more descriptive when you say you want to (l)earning how to file and manage files.:confused:
Yes, I am from Michigan, and I currently working in Europe and South America. I have several Corporate Procedures, Presentations, spreadsheets, etc. I want to be able to store these in iPad in appropriate Folders for easy retrievals as necessary I don't necessarily want to manipulate/edit the files in the iPad. Basically, right now I am looking to use the iPad as a document repository database.
Grab GoodReader then. Best to read up on the app first but it will do all you want easily and with it's little usb app it makes loading files fast without having to use iTunes.
Thank You Hasty

Wow, what a cool tool for only .99 cents. It works great. Don't know if I can create sub-folders, but it creates Folders quite easily for my files.

Again, thank you. I had not heard of this tool until you recommended it.

Ramon-welcome to the forum. I too am in Michigan, work in Rochester, live in Washington Twp. You should also use Dropbox-makes adding files a lot easier.

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