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RAVPower 4-Port USB Charger review


iPF Novice
A simple, well constructed product that does one thing very well. That is exactly how I would describe the RP-UC07 USB charger from RAVPower.
In the box you will find the charger, a power lead and user guide. The charger measures in at 92mm x 82mm and sits 31mm tall. It is made from black plastic, feels very sturdy and looks well finished. On the front there are a total of four USB ports and to the right of these is a blue LED to indicate power. On top you will find the labelling for the respective ports and on the rear is the connection for a standard two core figure of 8 (C7) power lead which is supplied. The charger sits atop four small rubber feet to prevent slipping.
The left two USB ports have a 2A output which is ideal for higher power items such as iPads and other tablets. The right two USB ports are 1A which is more of a standard for smartphones and other USB items.
The total output of this charger is 6A meaning you can use all four USB ports for charging at the same time without any impact on charging time for the attached devices. This is important because not all chargers can claim to do this, some have a total output lower than the combined ports so the output from each port is throttled when all are in use meaning longer charge times. Kudos to RAVPower for this.
In use, this is a small, unassuming box that looks tidy on a desk and gives ample USB power for the majority of users. In this day and age, it seems almost a necessity and I have no hesitation in recommending the 4-Port USB Charger from RAVPower.
I got this from http://www.amazon.co.uk/RAVPower-RP...id=1420714690&sr=8-1&keywords=ravpower+4+port

Video review:


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    Ravpower USB Charger review1.webp
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  • Ravpower USB Charger review2.webp
    Ravpower USB Charger review2.webp
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Hi Donka - thanks for the review; I have so many of these travel charging devices, several that plug into AC w/ multiple ports (especially 2 A) and two that are battery based - the one I use is made by Lumsing (white one shown below) - has 5 USB ports providing from 0.5 to 2.0 A of power - can charge multiple devices at once and has plenty of power (more details HERE) - unfortunately this model seems to have been D/C, but the company makes plenty of other & updated charging devices.

For my wife, I bought the Limefuel Lite battery charger which she uses constantly both on the road & at home - she has the smaller model that offers just 2 ports, 1 A & 2 A, but easily charges her iPad Mini & iPhone 6 - for those interested check out their Website - they offer plenty of different models w/ different battery capacities - I bought this one from a sale on the MacForums (believe that I received a 1/3 off, i.e. about $50 as I recall).

So, there are plenty of charging options out there whether you want to use AC or a battery choice - just look @ the number of ports provided, their power output in amperage (2 A for iPads), and battery capacity which impacts on 'how many' devices can to charged simultaneously. Dave :)
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Thanks Donka and Giradman for the informative posts regarding rechargeable batteries. I love these power packs.

I wanted to add mine by Jackery. I bought the Jackery Giant + and it's a powerhouse pack. I have had others, but nothing like this one which has a capacity of 12000 mAh. Reading up on both of yours, mine doesn't have as many USB openings. It has 2 USB and one micro port. It also has a flash light built within which is way cool. I have taken this to meetings and also long weekends using it for 2 days before having to recharge again. Just love this thing. Glad I saw this on Amazon during their deal of the day specials. I bought it for $23.99 with a $100.00 savings.

Here are some pics of it. I put a rubber bracelet on mine to give it a little grip on its slipper surface.

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I'm glad you posted a picture of the box. I thought 120000mah sounded a tad too large a capacity!
LOL....I wish it were too, Dave! As always...you're always prepared! :)

Hi Ski...... - well, I hate when the electricity goes out (problem here especially in the spring w/ the thunderstorms in April/May) - last time had a 4-5 hour outage (yes, last spring) - my Xantrex power supply had a couple of fluoroscent bulbs which would last for hours, plus I could plug in my MBPro's AC charger - in addition, had the APC 'baby' below attached to our computer setup in the other room - simply turned off the iMac but left the low power devices, i.e. modem & AirPort Extreme router on, so Susan & I had Wi-Fi on our iPads and my laptop for the whole outage - NICE - :) Dave
Hi Ski...... - well, I hate when the electricity goes out (problem here especially in the spring w/ the thunderstorms in April/May) - last time had a 4-5 hour outage (yes, last spring) - my Xantrex power supply had a couple of fluoroscent bulbs which would last for hours, plus I could plug in my MBPro's AC charger - in addition, had the APC 'baby' below attached to our computer setup in the other room - simply turned off the iMac but left the low power devices, i.e. modem & AirPort Extreme router on, so Susan & I had Wi-Fi on our iPads and my laptop for the whole outage - NICE - :) Dave
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That's a pretty sweet backup device you have there Dave. There's nothing like having a power outage and not being able to get online for things. Would have loved this setup when we had our power out for 3 days. We ended up buying a mini generator...only to have the power turn back on a few hours later. (((Sigh))) :)
That's a pretty sweet backup device you have there Dave. There's nothing like having a power outage and not being able to get online for things. Would have loved this setup when we had our power out for 3 days. We ended up buying a mini generator...only to have the power turn back on a few hours later. (((Sigh))) :)

Well, hours vs. days makes a BIG difference - several decades ago we had a 4-5 day outage (ice storms that brought down a LOT of power lines) - was the winter and I was trying to cook on the outside gas grill (but too damn cold to even make eggs) - it was miserable; SO, I debated to get a 'house generator' and was looking for one to run off our natural gas supply - BOY, it was so expensive and the chance of the event happening again might have been in the next 10 years or so - however, if I lived in a place where this was a yearly occurrence, then likely would spend the $$ - hard to decide? Dave :)
I too have the same as ski monkey the jackery giant plus.
It does what it says will do and more , the dual usb is great and holds a long time charge with two I pads in tandem , it's a great compact neat ups that was on Amazon
For 52 $ and some change , Ina special , but not as special as what ski paid .
One of the greatest things about these are the ability to dissipate heat quickly,
I put both my I pads in tandem and pack was barely warm . Heat is the firing squad
That kills batteries, packs , and the charging devices .and for the amount spent ,
It's just one of a sure win win with a U p s as these are ...
Oh here's what I use if the power drops out 975 kilowatt cat. It will light yours and everyone's houses up in a 10 block radius rather efficiently....hahahuhuhu,. I installed two in tandem syncing in what is called a parallelgear,at UAB hospital in Birmingham Alabama.. It's on power grid called co generation or peakshave where the power company buys power from ones who have this system .

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