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Reaching Other Computers Via Wifi...


iPF Noob
It is known that the iPad cannot sync over Wifi. Is it possible at all or is the iPad cut off from any computer?

Can the iPad reach a data base such as a server or an NAS?

Can it access Apple TV?
I am going to find out. I have 19 computers on my home network including 4 A tvs and 3 NAS servers. So far my wife has the damn thing up in her nest playing games and I cant get five minutes to work with it.
iVan said:
Anyone tried to hook up with Apple tv?
I have An apple tv. It syncs with iTunes from mac or pc not from ipad or iPod however one can use Remote app on ipad or iPod touch or iPhone to control movies songs etc etc on apple tv
Movies purchased on ipad should be available for ipad ipod touch and I would expect movies purchased on ipad can also be synced to iTunes and be used their however I cannot confirm it. Rental movies Cannot be synced period
Cheers col
I was able to connect my mac mini to the iPad using wifi for good reader app. Their directions were dead on and the Mac looked at the iPad as a networked drive.
I have a sort of similar question. I know I can sync with all my iTunes movies, but I have a 1TB hard drive attached to my hacked AppleTV with about 70 movies on it (not synced with iTunes). I'd love to be able to access that drive to stream movies to my iPad. Anybody have any good ideas?

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