Does anyone know of a printing app that will add a mobil thermal receipt printer via the printers ip address or through the network settings on an ipad?
Internet is not an option the ipads are out in the field and in some areas cellular internet is not available.
I have contacted Zebra, Star Micronics, and Source Technologies. All say they are working on it.
Zebra only works with network system through a pc or mac.
I spent 4 hours at the Star Micronics location in New Jersey and another 2 hours at the Source Technologies corp. headquarters in Charlotte. I was hoping for some way to use an app to communicate to the printer with the ip address. A German manufacture claims to be ipad Bluetooth but wants $950 per printer. The USA brands run about 1/2 the cost.
We can print to Zebra RW 420 wifi printers ip address in either adhoc or infrastructure mode from ipad2m no intermediate pc or Mac acting as AirPrint server required.
I am interested seeing you demonstrate this, and may possibly contact you for a job to do it on a similar printer. Whether or not you are interested, can you get back to me at your earliest convenience?
Here is what you can do.
Have any receipt printer connected connected to regular Windows on your network. (You can even make it wireless with a printer server)
Then sign up with Google Cloud Print, share it
If you want to be able to print from any app then use Print Central
or use gmail print option
Also this one comes in really handy to skip Chrome swdevs dot com
as well as redirection in case you printing over RDP...
This is it...
No need to spend $1000+ on a toy printer...