If you deleted a note accidentally and you remember the title, you can find it by the following: find a short note you don't care about (in case you lose it), and delete it.
1. Next go to your search box (top of your list of notes) and write in the note you just deleted. The will bring up a list of all recently deleted notes,
2. Click on the one you want to restore. That will bring up that note alone, click on that note.
3. This will bring up an alert box that says "Recently Deleted Note" below it says, "Recently deleted notes can't be edited. To edit this note, recover it first. Below that, you have two choices, "Cancel or Recover".
4. Click on "Recover", that takes you back to the note Itself. Click on the "Search " upper left, that's takes you back to your list of deleted notes.
5. In the upper right, click on "Cancel", which takes you back to your original list of notes and your deleted note should be back where it was originally.
I hope this helps some of you as it did me. It's scary to lose a note you wanted to keep.
Blessings on all