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Recovering lost calendar data


iPF Noob
Hello all! I've accidentally erased the last 10 months of my calendar and notes on my iPad calendar the last time I sync'd. Is there any way to recover this? HELP!!!
You haven't been syncing with anything?

It might be in the backup. If you have not changed anything significant on the iPad since that sync, and have not synced again since losing the data, try this. If you've added any important documents or other media since taht sync, save them off the iPad before proceeding.

First, without connecting the iPad, go into iTunes Preferences, the Devices tab, and turn off auto-syncing.

Connect your iPad to the computer, in iTunes right click on the iPad under the Devices tab and choose Restore from Backup.

Depending on exactly when the last sync was, you may or may not get you calendars back.

I recommend that you get a Google account and start syncing your calendar with it. You can also sync your contacts if you set the account up as an Exchange account on the iPad. This will help prevent these kind of mistakes, and give's an online way to get to your calendar when the iPad is not available.

Setting up Google Sync with your iOS device : Mail, Calendar, & Contacts - Google Mobile Help
Thanks Twerppoet

Thanks twerppoet. Unfortunately, for some reason, the system won't allow me to right click on the iPad under the devices tab. What to do next?
Sorry, not the tab. The Devices list. Its in the left column of your main iTunes screen. The iPad will only show up there if it is plugged into the computer.

I got my terms mixed up. The Devices tab is under iTunes Preferences, and is where you should turn off auto sync. You can also see a list of your backups (only one per device) and see when the last one was done. If it is after you lost the info, or a long time ago, you should skip the restore from backup.
Are your syncing the iPad with a computer or iCloud?
If not your data is gone. The iPad only keeps a limited amount of data by default. Change the Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendars/Sync to All Events if you do not want older events to be removed from the iPad. If you are syncing the iPad with iCloud and/or a computer the older events will sync back.
More details information about iOS visit: iOS Data Recovery Tips & Topics
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Thank you for trying to help, but the question you are replying to is over a year old, and the person asking it never came back for an answer (or didn't post a reply if they did).

It's a good idea to keep an eye on the dates when you come across a thread using search (Google or local) as I assume you did.

Good answer, by the way.
Hello - I'm having the same problem and I tried what you said and my calendar did return... until it sync'd then it was gone again. I even turned off the auto sync and unchecked to sync my calendars (under the info tab in iTunes) any other suggestions?
My advice is to turn off calendar, contacts, and other syncing in the Info tab of iTunes, then set up you computer and all devices to sync through an online service like iCloud, Gmail, or Yahoo. The direct syncing of this kind of data in iTunes is a legacy from when it was the only way. Besides the inherent limits of this type of syncing it also seems to work less reliably every year.
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Hello, I used to delete my notes by accident, and I get them back from iTunes for I have backed up. If you have backup in iTunes you can easily recover them from it. If not, you can directly retrieve them from your iPhone. Good luck.

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