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Reducing the number of apps. GR better than iBooks?


iPF Novice
I'm starting to get the hang of how to get things done on this iPad thingy. l now accept that where once I would have used a single program, the iPad world requires a certain amount of job-sharing among apps.

So, I do my downloading and collecting with Dropbox, my file copying and renaming in GoodReader, my creating and annotating in NTHD and Noterize (and maybe Notes Plus) and finally, my archiving and uploading back to Dropbox with iFiles.

It seems convoluted, but it's not that slow when you develop a rhythm.

So, the apps I need to do what I want to do are: Dropbox, Goodreader, Note Taker HD, Noterize and iFiles. (This may change as apps evolve).

So. how I'm on a mission to cut out unnecessary apps. I don't mean to delete them from the iPad; just delete them from my mind, cut them out of my workflow.

First up, iBooks. Could Someone tell me why I need iBooks when I've got GoodReader?
Style! Of course!:p

Actually you can hardly put any Apple app as part of a workflow. They've all been built as standalone with no common links. Although we use the iPad as a light work tool it's business is to have us spend money on Apple sold media. Don't forget that.
Well, you have to ask yourself this question. Are you ever going to use your iPad as an ereader? If the answer is yes then you will find iBooks, Kindle, or the Barns and Nobel reading apps better suited, simply because they are made to purchase and read ebooks.
The really great thing about the iBooks app is that it is free. Download it (if you haven't already) and see what you think. The selection of books comes nowhere close to Amazon, but OTOH, I actually prefer the "visual experience" of using iBooks over the other readers. For public domain stuff where I don't have to use a proprietary device or app, I almost always convert it to epub format and put it on iBooks.

If it turns out you don't like using iBooks, then delete it. We can't decide for you!
All this time I've been using iBooks as a place to store PDFs. I'd forgotten that I could stick books in there. D'oh!
GoodReader was for me the best way to organize and view my sheet music collection, somtehing I've been dreaming of a couple of years now. In addition, it's file system or whatever it was turned out to be really helpful.

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