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Reimaging iPad

Hi Brown ale.

Have you tried restoring from your backup?
You should be able to do it from iTunes.
Hi Brown Ale. I just tried doing a Restore from Backup. (In iTunes). Backup occurred and said all was restored. Alas the iPad is now dead. All I get is a few seconds of the apple logo! So a "reimage" PC style would be nice.
Hi PeterJMelb,

re-imaging in the IOS world is called a "restore", but it is quite different from the "restore from backup" option in iTunes. Very confusing to call them both a restore, but that's the way Apple did it!

A "restore" will install the latest version of IOS on your device and set it back to factory defaults. Once that process is complete you can choose to either continue as a "new" device or restore your previous backup to get your apps, settings, media, etc. back on there.

To restore, connect your device to you PC, open iTunes, click on the iPad device in the left hand panel and choose "Restore". There may also be an "Update" option available on the same screen. This upgrades your current IOS to the latest one if you are not up to date. It is a genuine upgrade and does not wipe out anything on the device, as opposed to a restore, which is akin to formatting the disk on your PC and reinstalling the OS.

Apple have security controls in place to ensure you can only install the latest and greatest IOS for your device (in your case 5.1.1). You can't normally choose to install a previous one (or downgrade the device), however there are some hacks which enable this but only if you have prepared in advance by saving away the digital signatures for old version of IOS when Apple was providing them. In your scenario, you won't have any of those saved away.

So, to recap, connect your iPad to iTunes, and press "Restore" to set the device back to factory freshness on 5.1.1

If you run into any problems, we have a failsafe tutorial here, which resolves all common errors with a restore - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html

Hope that helps!
Hi f4780y!

Big thanks for going to that trouble to explain the vagaries of Apple Land.
It is clearer now, although I just about had the two "restores" worked out.
I have no idea why my iPad died during the restore but I got the answer how to fix from another thread.

Has anyone yet worked out how to image/reimage the whole device in one simple go?
As you know reimage in PC land is a piece of cake. And I assume the same in Mac Land
With some software it is possible to make a clean image with literally one click and to do the restore with two clicks.
Unfortunately, no. There is no way to take and restore a complete image of the "disk" as you may on the PC. The security mechanisms in place prevent it.
Hi f47 …

I'm pleased you said "Unfortunately".
Real images save heartaches …
Oh, probably need a USB connection anyway, I cannot see it happening via the cloud.

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