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Reinstalled Windows - how to backup iPad again?


iPF Noob
I've had to reinstall Windows Vista on my laptop so need to get iTunes running again and backup my iPad2 which I haven't been able to do for several months due to the laptop issues. Due to a previous "adventure" with iTunes I'm a bit paranoid that I'm going to wipe my iPad. I am sill running 5.1 as I don't want to upgrade until I've backed up. I have my Music backed up on the laptop but don't want to transfer that to the iPad. What I really want to do is make sure my Apps on the iPad are backed up. I have some films on the iPad too but these are already backed up on the laptop so not sure if I can leave them out of the backup? Not bothered about photos as I can get them back on.

Please can someone confirm whether the following is the way to go:

1. Have installed latest version of iTunes and authorised laptop.
2. Have tisked to ensure that the iPad doesn't sync automatically.
3. Plug in iPad, right-click on device name and Transfer Purchases.
4. When Transfer finished, File>Device>Backup and backup the iPad.
5. Upgrade to iOS 6.

Have I missed anything or am I doing anything wrong please? Also, what is the difference between backup and sync?

Many thanks for any help.
Do you have any data on your iPad you don't want to lose? Apps are simple because you can always get them back by downloading them from the App Store, but data and settings are what needs to be backed up. You are in no danger of losing your apps. Re-downloading to your iPad might take time, but you can get all of them back.

So, did you restore your iTunes folder from your backup after you reinstalled windows? I'm concerned that if you did not than your iTunes will not recognize your iPad as registered to you. IME with iTunes, this will leave you with a messed up iPad in terms of data and settings.

If you are not worried about data and settings, then you can just set your iPad up as new. Apple keeps track of all your purchases by your apple ID. So, you can upgrade your ipad OS first, then you can download all of your apps, put your music and videos back on. Set things up fresh. Then you can bask up. You can set iTunes to automatically transfer your purchases to your PC ( they download from the web, not your ipad ) so they will always be there even if you don't back up your ipad. Remember, anything you buy from apple you can always download again, so think of your backup as protecting your data and settings, including passwords, history, links, etc, if you do an encrypted backup.

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Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I do need to preserve data and settings from my iPad. That's why I'm so reluctant to start backing up etc. until I'm sure I know what I'm doing. I did restore my iTunes library but it now looks very odd. Before I had a list of artists with sub-folders of their albums. Any compilations were listed under Compilations or Various. Now, I still have the artists and their albums in the same way but the compilations are shown as the artist listed in the same way as other artist and when I click on the artist's name, I get the name of the compilation album. Click on that and I get the name of the song. So now I've got loads of artist's names that I really don't need to see. It looks a right mess! Is this something to do with the latest version of iTunes?

I used to hate iTunes but now I loathe it! Any help very welcome. Thank you.
Revisiting this as I really need to back up. I have connected the iPad to iTunes and selected Transfer Purchases and it is currently doing that. It's taking a while as I have 218 apps. I'm still not sure what I should do once this has finished. I have solved the problems I had with iTunes mucking up my music with help from another thread and a lot of hours of manual adjustment.

When the Transfer Purchases has finished, do I still need to backup and restore before I update to iOS 6.1.2 from iOS5? As I said above I need to preserve data and settings so I can't set up as new. I understand that once I am on iOS6 I will be able to automatically update via wifi or is that wishful thinking on my part? Anything to keep me away from iTunes!
You should make backups periodically, especially after major changes. Before restoring, always make a backup. If you're planning on jailbreaking, make a backup as well just incase

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