iPF Novice
I restored backup of a previous iPad (which was jailbroken and running iOS 6.1) on a new one (7.1.1). The icons/apps were all garbled, and bore very little resemblance to my previous layout.
Last time I did this (about a year ago) was the same (that was when upgrading from 5.something to 6.something on the same device). Is this a "feature", something we have to live with, or is there a way to make sure the restore will also restore icons layout (other than - I suppose - starting an iPad installation literally from scratch, as a new device)? Could it be related to my using certain tweaks that deal with folder layouts (Iconoclasm, Springtomize...)? I'm not sure about the latter, as I wasn't using no layout/UI tweaks when moving from 5 to 6 last year, but the result (garbled icons) was the same.
Last time I did this (about a year ago) was the same (that was when upgrading from 5.something to 6.something on the same device). Is this a "feature", something we have to live with, or is there a way to make sure the restore will also restore icons layout (other than - I suppose - starting an iPad installation literally from scratch, as a new device)? Could it be related to my using certain tweaks that deal with folder layouts (Iconoclasm, Springtomize...)? I'm not sure about the latter, as I wasn't using no layout/UI tweaks when moving from 5 to 6 last year, but the result (garbled icons) was the same.