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Restoring Jailbroken Ipad


iPF Noob
I have an iPad (1st gen) with ios 4.2.1 jailbroken with greenposion. Everything was working fine until I updated something in cydia and now my sound doesn't work. When I load garage band and press any music key the iPad freezes and pandora keep saying unable to play.

How do I restore my ipad back to 4.2.1 or 4.3.3, i dont wan't ios 5. when I try using itunes restore it states it would install the latest ios5, which i don't want. Any help would be appreciated
In order to restore 4.3.3 or 4.2.1, you MUST have SHSH Blobs for your device and those firmware versions. Read all about blobs here - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq-new-improved-2012-a.html

If you have been jailbroken for a while, Cydia may have saved them for you. You would have seen them at the top of the Cydia home page in green every time you started Cydia in the past.

To use them, it's probably best to follow this tutorial first - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...01-how-save-your-shsh-blobs-tinyumbrella.html
and then, assuming you have the correct blobs saved on your PC after the last tutorial, follow this one - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-your-ipad-using-tinyumbrella-shsh-blobs.html

After that, you will be back on 4.3.3 or 4.2.1 (whichever you chose).

You should note, as those 4.x firmwares are getting old now, you will run into more and more problems with Apps such as Garageband. As these are updated by Apple they will beging to use features of the OS only found on 5.x so you may eventually be forced to update.

Hope that helps.

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