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Retrieving old email via a search

I have a couple of two week old or less emails that I would like to retrieve from Gmail. Is there a place to “search” for topic and then retrieve emails on the iPad? Thanks. Also, what is the app that I can download for the forum?
I have a couple of two week old or less emails that I would like to retrieve from Gmail. Is there a place to “search” for topic and then retrieve emails on the iPad? Thanks. Also, what is the app that I can download for the forum?
Try logging into gmail via a web browser e.g. Safari (The Google search page has the gmail link. ) That is the way I do it.
I assumed in my answer above that you know about just ‘pulling down’ on the list of emails in your inbox in the iPad mail app, when a search box appears.

I hope this helps you.
I tried this and must be doing it incorrectly. However, I was able to retrieve the email that I needed by going to the website via google browser. Thanks, Mr, Squirrel ❤️
Glad to hear you were able to retrieve your emails. The web browser method is very useful as I find that Mail holds only a month or two of emails, whereas via the browser I can go back to all (undeleted) emails.

Wrt ‘pulling down’, the search box is there, it is just not immediately obvious. Go to your Inbox in Mail. Place finger lightly on the list of emails and slowly slide your finger down. The search box should now appear directly under the title Inbox. When you press the search box it changes to give you a text entry box and the option to list unread, flagged, VIP and attachments. Additionaly there is the option to select current or all mailboxes.

Btw, a faster ‘pull down’ on the list forces mail to check your server immediately rather than wait for the next auto-check.

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