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??'s about Excel SpreadSheet & Ipad.


iPF Noob
Newbie here with new Ipad. Probably a newbie question.

I have a spreadsheed in Excel on my desktop that I want to bring over to my Ipad and use. If I get the Numbers (or other) App, can someone explain the sequence that it takes to do this, beginning to end, start to finish.

Hi Dagwood

When you say "use" the spreadsheet, do you mean

a) just look at it

b) add numbers or text into cells

c) do something more complicated than (b)

If (a) or (b), you could use GoodReader or any one of the three commonest iPad spreadheets: Pages, Documents To Go or Office2.

If (c), be prepared for disappointment.
Newbie here with new Ipad. Probably a newbie question.

I have a spreadsheed in Excel on my desktop that I want to bring over to my Ipad and use. If I get the Numbers (or other) App, can someone explain the sequence that it takes to do this, beginning to end, start to finish.


If you use Numbers then you can email the .xls or .xlsx spreadsheet to yourself. When you receive the email on your iPad, select and hold the extension icon and it will offer you the option 'Open in Numbers'. Select, and Numbers automatically opens up and your spreadsheet is displayed, where you can edit it and export it in .xls format. If you have the Apple MobileMe service, then you can select that as an export route, else you have the option to email the spreadsheet to yourself.

Numbers is pretty good, but very complex spreadsheets can defeat it!!

Hey there.

Another option; sign up for a free dropbox account on your PC and install the free dropbox app on your iPad. Put a copy of your Excel document in the dropbox folder on your PC. Open the dropbox app on iPad and select the document, then tap on the icon at top right - the little box with an arrow pointing out of it; this brings an 'Open In...' dialogue that will list all the apps you have installed that can open this type of document - choose Numbers if you have it installed and it should open right up.


Agree with the others though - Numbers is great, but it's not Excel...

HTH Pete.

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