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Safari Cydia extentions/add ons


iPF Noob
Hey guys, I am looking to make my Safari browser on my iPad a little more robust. Mainly, I want to be able to download any files that I encounter (such as right click --> save as on a PC) without having to switch to iFiles. Is this possible?

What other addons do you use to maximize your browsing experience? Any possible way to get flash (without using SkyFire browser?)?

And no, I don't want to use any other browsers because they have all been worse in my opinion.

Thanks guys!
Cydia's safari download manager does this very well ?
Cydia's frash adds equivalent flash support ? EDIT: broken on 4.2.1

Atomic web browser blows safari out of the water ?

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Full screen for iPad. Love it sooooooo much. Finally, I get to use all of the 9.7 inch led screen that apple brags about but covers up with a gigantic title bar.

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