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Safari (download manager) reinstall


iPF Noob
Hi, i'm experiencing some difficulties with my safari download manager. I got my ipad a few days ago and first thing i did was installing that torrent plugin for safari which was very slow and lurking via 'save to' tab i accidentally deleted one or two files/folders.then i installed the download manager for safari which automatically disabled the previously installed torrent plugin. The thing is - download manager acts really strange. When i choose the file iwant to download and tap'download to' there are no folders listed though it says im looking at the var/mobile folder. Furthermore, after the download is done (its done really fast and it says that downloading of my avi file is finished)i cant open it via ifile nor oplayer or buzzplayer, nothing happens when i click them as an option. So my question is - what's the cause for this malfunction? Could it be due those files/folders i deleted? And how can u reinstall download manager? And finally, if nothing helps -should i reset my ipad completely?

Thank u all for ur answers
Ok, so i've decided to move onto some other download managers. Could someone tell me how to delete the safari download manager?
Ok, so i've decided to move onto some other download managers. Could someone tell me how to delete the safari download manager?

If u jailbroken and got it from cydia then theres 2 routes u can go. First being dl the app cydelete, in cydia. It allows u to delete the cydia apps just like u would normally delete an app, by long pressing app, then icon will wiggle with an x in the top right hand corner. Press the x, then select yes to delete then u done. The other more tedious method is to go into cydia, then go to installed. Find the dl manager u installed. Click on it. Then press the modify icon tab in top right corner, then select uninstall/remove, then it will uninstall n that app is gone ;-)

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