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SAFARI ? Really , oh boy , I can't wait to use.....


iPF Novice
Safari ...? Hungh ? I hate this browser , I hate it , I hate it ,I hate it ........
Ya know what ? ,,,, I hate it ........Have I told y'all how much I hate........Well you get the picture,. ummmmmm . Where to start .... Not as in a place to start for the lacking of something or feature that Safari hosts nooooo way . I can't decide where to start from the so many , incredible lacking and worst things about this gawd awful , boring
native app that why in the hell Apple would want this throw up vomit , browser for their
Choice of all the browser s available . It's boring, plain, limited in add on's, and yes apple does not support extensions . Well the type of useful tool extensions that most want and use in other web browsers,.....Safari has no depth, color ,or eye appealing
native back grounds , it does not support or has a native installer,it can't open files from other apps . . Every single time you get information or a file Safari WONT recognize it
and pop ups such as ....." Safari cannot open this file " or this excuse " safari cannot
Open cannot locate server " ... Then it prompts you with a pop up stating
DONE / RETRY........as if you were being led to believe that CARROT DANGLING
IN FRONT OF THE JACKASS card was being played by apple ..... All I can say to that is HEE HAW HEE HAW...... JERKS !....it doesn't work . Here's one for you apple ....
How bout being honest and say something prestigious and admirable along the lines of
Sorry we do not have the permissions to do what you are requesting here's the information that might be useful......OH NO ! What . Honesty or in my best interest
That's absurd from a billion dollar company that CANT DO .? it's WONT DO ........
ITS ALSO A pain in thecJACKASS,that you cannot choose what web browser you want to use as your default or home browser.....ridiculous....its YOUR IPAD,IPHONE,I DEVICE , your Money and your choice to decide iOS or android.and Apple should have its limitations and that is all fine and good on a particular level that I do agree with,
Hey y'all, I'm not one of who is to complain or bitch about all things that I see could be different, or better ,, actually I get along and NEVER , Really write these type of
Yangsts., or negatives . I'm one of who likes things to be open for improvements ,
Or want to be helpful in others struggles of their own daily life of oppositions that I too may agree with yet I do not say so openly as if to put out the fire with gasoline.
In by not doing so as much as I support ones views , it's a good feeling to help others without bitching about as so many of us do (no disrespect ladies poor choice of words
and instead of being a notched or broken tooth on the gear cog, be more solution oriented. (Apple)....
So I really am not posting this to get anyone's intake on who's with me and who's not on
this topic ... Merely stating fact about a crappy web browser for such a diamond great company that apple is. I like all my iOS devices and I have many iOS devices , (7) ,
I do mean mine ,no kids , not married (whew!), and each one is a different device .
Also have A couple Kindle fires around somewhere ..,but that's not the point I'm projecting , if anything it shows just how much I support Apple.....they are great ,
and iOS , I device is the right way to go.... And I just love everything about the
iPads ,iOS and Apple products , and they are getting greater on a daily bases.
I just think maybe it's time to retire safari and open some doors to even better browsers
That are out today .reinvent the new browser. .....I have been developing an app for one
And it continually grows. With way cool ideas as in virtual reality...and 3d interfaces , things like this are what set the standards as progress.
Have I told y'all how much I just hate Safari ........
A. Goodwin
A very long and rambling post. The formatting is all over the shop, which makes it harder to follow.

And on the topic, I disagree, Safari on the iPad is fine. It does what it needs to do, just be a simple, straightforward browser.
I suppose I do have prolific tendencies to express in the choice of words that are of a limited vocabulary that I use . Sure , I am sometimes long winded on some things and have confused some , probably many at times , and I don't start out that way. But when I do , I want the listener or reader or ones to better understand me for I fear that without some of the words that should be used , as in one word that describes or defines or summarizes whole sentences , I simply don't know them and they'are not part of my vocabulary . I do want others to know what I'm trying to
say or express or more importantly if I ask a question some one can help me with, I try to put it in a way so they can give me a solid correct answer . And I know huhuhhaha , I do get side tracked and stray sometimes (Sorry ) . But you are right that last one is on the paper back
Novel size of how much I think of Safari .... Huhuhaha ....
Well your right then ....Safari does just that and well ....only that.
But I also think that when Safari was developed and apple chose it
For its default browser it was a smash for its time . And since it was designed by Apple in the early 2000(I think) it was first introduced in
Beta to the populas and was Apples or company's osx old operating
system . And it was Panther then . And that safari was its default browser on that system . Now safari in iOS is what we have today ,and is the Native browser for apple . Two different systems of safari and iOS is a using a different graphical interface ... GUI..
15 years , Sweeeet apple . Way to go ....A new tool bar !!!!
HOLY CRAP . . HUHUHAHAHA .. I can't wait to try it out !!!!
I'm kiddin , Im kiddin ...... They have made some changes but ,
It's just that ummmm it really needs a facelift ..... Or I see in the future
( speculation ) a sure enough knock you flat on your ass company will have developed a browser that surpasses any thing we know and since
Apple is the great company it is with its resources should in my book be the developer for this and have the jump on others .....NOW !
And it is an individuality preference I suppose.......

Did you hear how much I hated safari ..... ?
Peace on
Some things to keep in mind:

The file system.
iOS is an app-based file system, rather than file-based. So, if you don't have an app that can recognize a specific file type then you won't be able to open that file. If you cannot open a file then there is little point in downloading it. Using desktop habits on iOS is likely going to be met with frustration and criticism until you realize that the iOS file system is different.

Let's talk about what you actually own.
You own the iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc, yes, but you do not own iOS. Ownership of iOS, including the copy on your iDevice, will always remain with Apple. What you do own, however, is a license to use iOS. This is explained in section 1(a) of the iOS license agreement made available to you at some point during the setup of your iOS device.

You do have a choice. There are numerous third-party web browser available. And, you can always choose to use a device made by another manufacturer.

Regardless of what you do you will always find limitations, this is just a fact of life. Sometimes you can overcome those limitations by changing the way you do things.

I switched from Android to iOS in a matter of a few hours, but I always had problems. Those problems disappeared, however, once I understood the above points and took steps to change the way I was doing things. Perhaps it's time for change on you part.
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well there you go then, you are 100 % right .....safari doesn't recognize
Any of them...... I do have other alternates in apps that some of those don't recognize files as well and certain ones do ....and for the most
Part they will hit effectively ,, in about 85% of the time .......
But I think that you are missing my point, hey I too started with android and I spent more time with it before I started to get curious about apple ,
the , products and OS X and iOS . But I had my doubts that I was even capable of using these I. Devices ... Not smart enough....and when I was / or as I was reading these systems and how they interfaced .,I
became even less motivated for the complexity of the words and the descriptions of how the functions work was hard for me and so I steered cleared for almost 7 more months . But I really wanted one
man ! Any way I did change things and that is why i use I devices today. I don't understand the relevance in your ownership and iOS every one knows that ...unless of course you are a share holder and own iOS stocks it's an odd thing that doesn't fit in with the point that is meant by Me. We are all very different and surprisingly some are more like in mind , and some in spirituality, , and so many in physical attributes, . .. But there are a few things that we are not ever to be like, with others .and that is individuality. If you like and are comfortable and are pleased (in this case Safari ) that's good. And those are what your limtations are. This is good I stand behind that person as a person .
But for others and myself safari just doesn't do it for me and have read and know ones who will agree. There is much more to this than a just a web browser . Many by products or neg consequences can spin off for simply not opening new doors to improve , while protecting the wrong closed doors with limitations that needed opened as well.
And hey thanks for the input on change. It reminds me of the most hardest and struggling thing that I'm confronted with every day of my life
And what change I made 10 yrs ago ... That change then is ultimately why I get to live today .... Later
well there you go then, you are 100 % right .....safari doesn't recognize
Any of them...... I do have other alternates in apps that some of those don't recognize files as well and certain ones do ....and for the most
Part they will hit effectively ,, in about 85% of the time .......
But I think that you are missing my point, hey I too started with android and I spent more time with it before I started to get curious about apple ,
the , products and OS X and iOS . But I had my doubts that I was even capable of using these I. Devices ... Not smart enough....and when I was / or as I was reading these systems and how they interfaced .,I
became even less motivated for the complexity of the words and the descriptions of how the functions work was hard for me and so I steered cleared for almost 7 more months . But I really wanted one
man ! Any way I did change things and that is why i use I devices today. I don't understand the relevance in your ownership and iOS every one knows that ...unless of course you are a share holder and own iOS stocks it's an odd thing that doesn't fit in with the point that is meant by Me. We are all very different and surprisingly some are more like in mind , and some in spirituality, , and so many in physical attributes, . .. But there are a few things that we are not ever to be like, with others .and that is individuality. If you like and are comfortable and are pleased (in this case Safari ) that's good. And those are what your limtations are. This is good I stand behind that person as a person .
But for others and myself safari just doesn't do it for me and have read and know ones who will agree. There is much more to this than a just a web browser . Many by products or neg consequences can spin off for simply not opening new doors to improve , while protecting the wrong closed doors with limitations that needed opened as well.
And hey thanks for the input on change. It reminds me of the most hardest and struggling thing that I'm confronted with every day of my life
And what change I made 10 yrs ago ... That change then is ultimately why I get to live today .... Later
The point to my previous post was that you failed to fully understand how the system works. Once you understand the iOS file system and how it works you'll find that it works quite well and does exactly what it's designed to do.

It's not meant to be used as if it were a complete desktop operating system that can perform in place of a desktop machine. It's an iPad.. it's different.
I for one am very happy I made the switch to mostly all Apple products. for me the switch time was when microsoft came out with windows vista, what a horrible operating system that was. I bought a new dell laptop that shipped with windows vista and the miserable thing would crash at least 5 times in 3 hours of use…. made multiple trips back to best buy, they spent hours trying to solve its issues with the operating system and finally told me to wait for service pack 1 to be released. before service pack 1 was released, a friend met me at my local starbucks and i saw he was using a white laptop with a lit up apple on the lid….asked him what it was and he told me it is an Apple macbook. my dell crashed 5 times trying to send an email and of course i was swearing at the laptop…. he said try my laptop, it sent the email without any issues. told him i need to buy one of these laptops, he said he just got a macbook pro and if i wanted i could buy the macbook… i bought it from him on the spot, in fact still using it now as i type this. then i decided i wanted a tablet as well, should have known better but i bought an android tablet… not a bad tablet but slow. last week my neighbor was going to throw his iPad 2 in the garbage, asked him what was wrong with it he said the glass cracked but he still had the broken piece. told him i would take it. glued the broken piece of glass back in, plugged it into my mac and restored it as a new iPad. it now is running iOS 9.3.1 like a champion and runs circles around my android tablet with the same specs. next step is to get either an iPhone 5s or one of the iPhone 6 or 6 plus. as far as safari goes, safari is really the only browser i like using either on my macbook or iPad. i have google chrome installed on the macbook since my friend installed it, but haven't used it once. safari does what it is supposed to do both on the macbook and iPad 2, and does it well and quite fast. i am very happy i am part of Apple's eco system and will never use anything but Apple products again…. hopefully i can switch my phone to an iPhone and be done with android and windows forever!
I hear ya pit . Ya know , it really is and ultimately comes down to whatever one is most comfortable with using and i believe that applies to any thing in life.......... Ummmm
Safari does ok and y'all are right it does WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO.
On the android /apple statement you
Made .....Hands down ...no doubt apple is in my opinion not only in the lead but with a huge margin! Huhuha

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