One of the complicating factors in this is the following scenario...
Let's say I write you this app. I sell (of give away free!) lets say 1000+ copies to eager Pages users. Apple releases a Pages update which breaks it..., and lets say I am on holiday for a few weeks just when this happens...
You can fill in the blanks, but here's my take...
A majority of the 1000+ users will be baying for my blood. I will be the most hated developer in the community. It will be ALL my fault because everyone will have lots of documents which will be inaccessible until I issue a fix. And no matter how many caveats you put in place, the majority of users WILL upgrade Pages just as soon as Apple releases an update. It's just human nature. Heck, I'm still gobsmacked at how many people take the iOS upgrade on their jailbroken device every time because they just assume the jailbreak would remain intact. Nobody reads the manual any more.
We can all be grown-ups at this stage and say, but I won't do that, and if I do I will take full responsibility for my actions, but for every one of them, another 9 will be taking out a hit on me... And the guys that do play by the rules and resist the update will be emailing, tweeting, FBing, and chasing me on this forum 24/7 until I release an update.
It might sound a bit extreme, but that's one of the reasons I would not be developing this tweak for you Bob. Hacking a popular App Store app is one of the sure fire ways to cause you lots of anguish and sleepless nights if those apps receive regular updates!
Just my 2c, from a developers perspective.
All valid concerns that presumably would be addressed in a formal contract.
Secondly, it is not for public consumption, necessarily.
Third, small chance of tweaking or cracking due to limited distribution; it is/was, so be it. However, those involved might release it to the world, not sure what they really want or envision. It is a specific tool to do a very specific thing for a specific group of people.
That said, I want it too because it would be great. I would encourage its wide release to the JB community, as well.
Forth, you (or other developers) can leave your name out of it, if this was a concern. It would be Work-for-hire so you are not really involved past the coding and whatever contract you care to use and if the check clears the bank; sold 'as is' with no obligation to support it.
Fifth, the understanding between those involved is it is for a specific iOS, a specific version on iOS, and a specific version of "Pages" that does not allow upgrading by the end user which is likely a small group in a corporate environment.
Sixth, why call yourself a developer (big smiley) if you are so frightened of the possible "what ifs?" outlined above. Take no offense, just saying.
Seventh, so you are telling me that there is no way to write an application that is backwards compatible with previous versions of Pages and iOS? I have lots of nice apps that will likely run on the IP2, I should think. Several run on earlier versions on my iPad
I am still not sure if the app I am researching could not simply be a tweak or helper that installs itself into iOS and quickly modified as iOS/Pages is updated.