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Saving images...


iPF Novice
How do I save an image when in Firefox? I'm a Windows user and Mac is very new to me. If I right click, I can Copy or Save Image. The latter doesn't offer me a choice of where I want to save. I can't find it on my hard drive as I dont know what it saved as..
It should save either to your desktop or the pictures folder inside your home folder [go>home>pictures, I think] (I don't know which right off the top of my head, and this isn't usually the method I use to save photos anyways). You should be able to drag and drop the photo to your desktop or another desired folder.

I'm a bit confused about the question.

Firefox on a Mac has several options other than the two you listed, and just like Windows it will give you a file dialog to ask you where you want to save the picture. The default is usually the Pictures folder as described by Googy8275.

The iPad does not have a version of the Firefox browser. There is a Firefox bookmark syncing/app, and support for the same with a couple of third party browsers, but no actual FireFox browser app.

But, the two options you describe are what you will see if trying to copy a picture from Safari, Mail, or most third party browsers. Though you need to tap, or tap and hold; not right click.

Save Image will save the picture to the Photos app in the camera roll.

Copy will allow you to go to another app and paste the picture, providing that app supports picture pasting. Mail does.
I think it makes sense now. I use Safari, not Firefox. I thought it WAS Firefox! I found the Camera Roll (had moved Camera 4 screens over) and the image I tested was there.

I found 70 other images there that I never saved. Most were images I viewed only. Guess it auto saves.
Glad you've got it figured out.

Photos does not autosave from Safari. No idea why the other images were there.

Quick Tip: Briefly pressing the Home and Power button at the same time will save a screen shot to the camera roll.

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