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Screen dimmer


iPF Noob
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Merritt Island FL USA
Can anyone tell me the following. Using the screen dimmer tweak, after the backlight turns off, what are the steps to turn it back on? Is it simply touch the screen or does home have to be pressed and then the slider. I have not yet done the JB but I do want the backlight off capability
You press the power button. If you want it to stay on all the time set it to Never in Settings/General/Auto-Lock
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Not sure what tweak you're talking about. Do you mean Settings > General > Accessibility to set white on black to triple clicking on and off?

I also like a free app called Dimmer that offers quick access to brightness settings. And there's a browser app called Night Owl that lets you set brightness really low. Both apps were free when I got them.
Not Clear, my bad

I guess I did not communicate well.

There is a tweak (like an app) that adds to the settings menu an option to turn off the backlight (The dimmest possible screen) similar to the option to Auto Lock the iPad. This tweak, known as ScreenDimmer, will turn the backlight off after a period of time. It does not lock the iPad.

My question is: what is the action to turn the backlight back on? Do you merely touch the creen (what I want)? Touch the home button? Do a combination of things?

I use the iPads for home control and they are wall mounted. The power button is not easily available (Home button is) and they are continuously being charged.

Hope this clarifies it,
With ScreenDimmer you just touch the screen and it comes back up to normal brightness. Would seem to be ideal for the potential usage you are describing.
Thank you. That is what I wanted to hear. I have never JB'ed an iPad and unfortunately I just moved to 5.1. I guess I will wait untill the 5.1 JB is ready for the iPad 1 and then I will do my 5 units and hopefully never have to do it again. The 5.1 firmware should hold me for a long time as the iPad's basically run one main app for home automation. I could revert them back to 5.0.1 but I just learned about blobs today so I guess that is not an option.

Thaks again for the reply

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