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Screen mirroring on a Windows PC!


iPF Novice
works perfectly. HP pavilion running Windows 8.1. iPad 6 running iOS 12.3 ... Perfect harmony! I downloaded an app (on the PC) called lonely screen. I iPad screen mirror picks up on it immediately. Awesome stuff. And, yes I calibrated the big guy after I took the photo, the colors now match nicely. L
Hi, Could you go into a bit more detail? Do you have to install the same app on the iPad and can I extend my screen instead of just mirroring it? This would be great for me as a way to do presentations.
I downloaded lonely screen only on the PC. It syncs with my iPad via screen mirroring. I don`t think you can extend the screen, but there may be an app on the PC for that as well(Lonely screen was only the first option in my Google search)l. You can try duo in the APP store, it is designed to pair an iPad with another screen to create various display options.
Thank you very much. I will get to work researching now. As of now, I just keep passing the tablet back and forth between the person sitting in front of me while presenting stuff or I have to have them sitting right up next to me.
Frankly I`m amazed by the level of connectivity between my Windows PCs and Apple devices. I routinely move pictures and files freely between the two, using iCloud for Windows. I have never used iTunes at all, but the desktop and iPad in the OP are so in sync that they spontaneously share the website favorites list ( there`s a set up for that). I can upload/download from one to the other, and frequently dump pictures from my iCloud files into the pictures files on the PC, and then delete them from iCloud. It is super easy to re-upload from the PC back into iCloud at any time I need to. Neat stuff!
Actually, I am having some trouble with this. It probably because I am new to iOS. The other day I downloaded a 3 gig file through Safari and it saved it to my iCloud by default. I had to then download it again from iCloud to muy device. I have the 128 gig version so plenty of space.
New to me as well. Never saw an iPad up close until Last fall! I tend to pick up things because I`m curious, and stubborn, and learn things the hard way...but they work for me generally.
For presentations, or just sharing photos with more than one other person, even better is Airplay streaming to a television screen using an Apple TV, Chromecast dongle, or equivalent. Some newer TVs even have Airplay built in. Airplay can either mirror the whole screen, or just send photo/video content to the TV.
The screen mirroring will work for showing photos etc to another person. You are looking at the same screen content, and if you scroll on, or select something on the iPad, it is the same screen on the PC.

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