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Screen protector

dchristo said:
I have cracked the screen-protector code!

You've seen all those ads for $24.95 screen protectors (plus $20 for some clown in the back room to install 'em?) You've found that nothing short of a NASA clean room will keep dust and bubbles out from under the protector? Fuggettaboudit! Save your time and money with this timely tip.

You know what clear plastic film transparencies are? You know, the 8x11 clear plastic sheets you used to run through the copier to make overhead slides for PowerPoint shows, before projectors got cheap? Buy a small pack of them, or heist a couple from the office (I'm using 3M's clear film.) Cut them down to 6.5 x 8 inches. Then buy a bottle of rubber cement from the store's school-supplies section. That's it - that's all you need.

Clean your 'pad's screen and the film thoroughly with a microfiber cloth. Brush a small dab of rubber cement onto the extreme corners of the film. Then stick it on your 'pad and let the cement dry overnight. That's it.

If you're uncomfortable with the rubber cement, Scotch REMOVABLE Double-Sided Tape (available for $5 a roll from Amazon) at the corners will substitute just fine.

You'll find that since there's no adhesive coating the back of the film, once the film is laid down there're no bubbles - none at all. You can shift the film and re-stick it easily if needed. Your finger will glide easily over the clear film, and there is no loss of color or clarity, or of screen sensitivity to gestures, etc. And the film is maybe twice as thick as your typical screen protector, so it gives super protection.

When you want to put on a fresh film, the rubber cement will either lift off clean with the film, or roll into a little ball (just like you remember from school) and leave no residue behind on the screen. The Removable Double-Sided Tape also leaves no residue.

And there you have it - Zagg's Worst Nightmare, free of charge from DCHRISTO.

I just tried this- I didn't have tape or glue so I just cut it out and clung it to the front and slid the iPad into its folio case. WOW! I'm surprised that the retina display isn't different AT ALL! Thanks for the tip....off to buy tape tomorrow!

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