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Search and Coding for Kids


iPF Novice
I am looking for a good app that teaches my nine year old grandson to code---preferrably on the iPad which allows him to make simple iPad/iPhone apps.

I came across an evaluation of Swift Playgrounds, which looks promising. The article claimed that Swift Playgrounds came preloaded on my iPad Pro, so I tried to do a search. That led to a problem and my second question.

When I type in a search topic I get a lot of references to iTunes, the app store, and the web---absolutely none to files on my iPad. (I tried inputting apps I know to be on my iPad, but they didn't come up in search results either.)

Can anyone help?
I’d start with Swithf Playgrounds to teach the basics. It’s fun and interactive. However, making full apps (however simple) isn’t it’s strong point. For that I’d look at Codea. Once your grandson has learned the basics of how coding works, learning the Lua language in Codea isn’t a big step, and you can make some fairly complex apps without needing to deep dive into the objects and API’s you’d need to build apps in Swift.

Or you could just dive into Codea straight off. There’s a Codea tutoral site here. Codea Tutorials for Kids | Kids, Code, and Computer Science

I’ve enjoyed playing with both Swift Playgrounds and Codea in the past.
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Thanks guys. I will check out all your suggestions. But am I way off base on searching my iPad---missing something? How do I search for items on my iPad?
Search for app sin the App Store. Use the Magnfying Glass icon at the right bottom of the screen.

To search for things that are on you iPad, swipe down from the middle of the home screen, then use the search field at the top. This will also make App Store suggestions, but they won’t be as complete as actually searching the App Store.

Swift Playgrounds may or may not have be preloaded on your iPad, depending on iOS version, when you bought the iPad, and other stuff. If not, you can download it from the App Store.
Thanks, but the problem is that apps on my iPad never show up on the search. (Standard apps like Goodreader, etc.) I do get hits from iYunes, the web, etc.
Thanks, but the problem is that apps on my iPad never show up on the search. (Standard apps like Goodreader, etc.) I do get hits from iYunes, the web, etc.

Check Settings > Siri & Suggestions and make sure the feature is enabled. Note that you can also turn on/off results for individual apps.

Screenshot is from iPhone, but similar settings will be in the same place on the iPad.

Yep! That's it! I don't use SIRI and, in what is now apparently careless reasonong, I turned everything off---assuming it was for SIRI only.

Many thanks.
Just an update. My grandson is almost through all levels in Spritebox. I have gotten involved in Swift Playgrounds. Lots of fun. (I wonder if an old geezer can make an iPad app? Hmmm.)
Just an update. My grandson is almost through all levels in Spritebox. I have gotten involved in Swift Playgrounds. Lots of fun. (I wonder if an old geezer can make an iPad app? Hmmm.)

If I remember correctly, Apple highlighted a senior citizen first time app developer at a WWDC; the last one, or one before last.

So the answer would be, yes.


Found it. Masako Wakamiya, she was 81 at the time of the WWDC 2017 event. Here is her app.

hinadan by Masako Wakamiya
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