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Selecting resolution pdf files Pages


iPF Novice
Jun 4, 2010
Reaction score
I have seen on other threads that when exporting a Pages poster or brochure as a PDF file, you can pick the level of quality but I do not get that option. I create my document, go to share, send a copy, select pdf and an email window opens up with no option to select quality or resolution. Can anyone advise as to what I am doing wrong or not doing, please? I recently created a poster, the image was fine but the text I inserted came out blurry when I uploaded the file to Facebook.
I am not aware of any method that lets you pick the quality of PDF export from Pages.

Pages puts out a fairly high quality PDF, so I'm guessing what you wan to do is lower the quality and save on file size. I can think of only two ways to to this.

One: the method I use is to send the file to my Mac, where I can use one of several filters in the Preview app to reduce the size/quality of the PDF. There should be similar apps for Windows.

Two: find an iPad app that can reduce PDF quality size, then use the Open In options from Pages to copy the PDF directly to that app. Neither of my PDF apps (GoodReader and PDF Expert) can do this, and I have not heard of one; but I don't see any reason why such an app can't exist.

Both of the apps I have can Zip (compress) files; so if it's a matter of sending a smaller file over email or some other method, that is doable. Hold in mind that PDF files that contain a lot jpg images wont' compress much; since the image is already compressed.

In cases like that, it is better to reduce the size/quality of the images before importing them into Pages; rather then depending on the sizing and masking in the app. Pages does not alter the original image when editing, so the entire file ends up in the export; no mater how little is visible in the document.

I hope this helped, at least a little bit.

Good luck.
Thanks for responding. No, I want to increase the size rather than decrease it. The image I used was ok but the text got blurry for some reason. I will keep trying.
Not all fonts are created equal. If you are using something other than the default font Pages provides with a template, try changing that font to something a bit more standard.

Like these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format#Standard_Type_1_Fonts_.28Standard_14_Fonts.29

That's what I'd try, anyway. I'm not sure if Pages fully embeds non-standard fonts, and since you have no control over whether it does or not, trying the standard fonts should at least tell you if that's the problem.

Good luck.
Thanks, I will keep trying. I was using standard fonts so it must be something else I am doing wrong.
Ok. I just had one more thought. Pages is probably optimizing the output for the 8.5 x 10.5 (letter) page size. Attempting to print or view the document at a larger size could be a problem.

So, if you started with a larger paper size, maybe it would work better.

Unfortunately, Pages does not have larger templates.

Fortunately it will handle larger document sizes if you import them from the OS X version of Pages. You probably don't have a Mac or the OS X version of Pages, so here is a blank 11 x 17 inch document for you to play with.


Open this link in Safari and choose download. Once the document is downloaded you should see an option to Open In Pages. You may have to tap in the center of the document to see the options at the top right of the document.

Again, Good luck.
You have been SO helpful! Thanks! I have downloaded the larger page and will try it out. Thanks again. You are a gem!

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