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Sent email to 1 group (multiply ) email together


iPF Noob
Hallo all, i want to know Regarding compose email in my ipad. I want to sent email for few people in my contact list. As u know that in yahoo we can listed it in 1group so when we want to sent the email just choose that group and all the email that i want already fixed in there.
Does anybody know about how to list them in one group? Please..

Thanks ;)
To do this you need to use a third-party app - such as MailShot. This app allows you to group contacts together in the iPad's native Contacts list and then access them from within the Mail program. It's a great app and highly recommended by most Members.

There's a free 'lite' version, too, that has a limit on the size of group, so you can try it without risk to see if it suits your needs.

Have a great day.

Hello tim..do u know about mail group?how to connect it to the email?coz in mail shot have a limited access unless i buy thepro ..hehehe..tx before ;)
Unfortunately, in the iPad, (a) you cannot create groups in the Contacts app and (b) existing groups that might have been imported from a PC or Mac are inaccessible from the iPad's native Mail app.

I know of no other way of achieving this. The 'lite' version of MailShot is limited, if I recall, to a few members per group. So the only way around the problem would be to establish a number small groups - so Group1, Group2, Group3 etc and then send to those. I don't think (though I've never tried) that you can hierarchically arrange groups. So you can't combine smaller groups into larger ones....

Never mind i already bought the pro version. Because in mail shot the group also only can make 3 group with the contact max 5 persons. Btw as a moderator its mean u work for ipad or this is only a forum?
Hi All

I also try MailShot app , I like it.

But when I create a group in my iPad , may I know how to make the group appear on my iphone ?

I already turn on sync contact using iCloud , but group contact created by mail shot does not able sync to my I device.

Hope those who use MailShot and able to get it sync , pls share.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=1.445326,103.806722
I don't think Mail Shot can sync across iDevices. I believe you have to download the app to your phone and then create a new grouping on the phone.

At least, that's what I did when I got an iPhone. Sorry.


I am the developer of MailShot Pro, and I'll be happy to answer any general questions here, or help with specific trouble shooting for you on the support pages of our website or by email.

Any contacts you create in MailShot CAN be synched easily between all of your devices using iCloud. They appear in Contacts on the other devices and can be used freely in Mail and other apps (but note that they do not appear in MailShot on other devices too, as you manage each group from only one device at present although you can use the results on all of them)

Occasionally people report that they can't see contacts MailShot created for them, the problem is usually that they are looking in the wrong address book on their device. You have one address book for every different sort of contact sync your device uses, visible in the Contacts app or lists in Mail etc.. The trick if you can't find a contact you are looking for is to tap "groups" at the top left of the contact list, and then select "All Contacts". This will show the contacts from all of your address books at once, and you should now be able to find what you were looking for.

Hi Sir

Many thank for your reply. May be I should desc what I did.

1. Create a contact on my iphone3 by "enter from iphone3" on last name.
2. Go to my iPad search "enter from iphone3", this contact appear in my iPad. This prove that iCloud is work.
3. Go to my iphone 3 and turn on MailShot app, and create a group "GROUP_iphone3" and select my email add into this group.
4. Go to my address book on iphone 3 search for GROUP_iphone3 , it appear on my address book of iphone 3.
5. Go to my iPad , address book search for "GROUP_iphone3" I unable to locate this.

May I know where I go wrong ?

Sorry that it has taken a little while to respond. It is best to contact us on our support address (support at solubleapps dot com) and we'll be happy to try and help (We may not spot posts here for a few days, or more, but we check our support email several times a day)

If you still have the same problem, we will need to know what address books you have on your device (you have one for each service that you synchronise your contacts with- iCloud, Google, Yahoo, mobile.me etc.)



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