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Setting Precise Volume Levels on Ipad Air 2


iPF Noob
Hi All,

I am working with DAW's on my iPad Air 2 (Apps that enable you to compose, edit, and record music). When working on a MIDI backing track, recording levels must be set for each instrument (track) you are working with to achieve a good mix. However, the Gain volume control in the mixer window controls all tracks at the same time, so if you want to increase the volume of one track, another that is set high, will then peak and become distorted. Further, adding to the problem, is every time you begin a project, the volume of the iPad itself can affect your assessment of the levels you are trying to set within the DAW you are working with.

Question: Is there a way of setting the iPad Air 2 speaker volume to a precise % when working with recording software such as a DAW? Adjusting the volume using the volume buttons doesn't give you enough time to count the bars on the screen, and the volume slider in the lower pop-up window has you guessing where you set it the last time.

Unless your DAW app has a master volume control with the feature you want, I don't see how you're going to get what you want. Audio apps can control the system volume level using a custom controler, but no app can change how the system volume controls work.

However, it's not too hard to choose the number of bars if you're methodical. Just turn the volume all the way down, then click the up volume button the number of times you want. Since there are 16 bars, 8 clickes will do the trick for 50%.

(Hold in mind that there is no guarantee that 8 bars really does represent 50% of the total volume in some absolute sense)
Thanks for your suggestion twerppoet. I guess I'll just have to use the old trial and error method, or as you suggest, by clicking and counting bars. The only problem is that I seldom use the volume button as the're awkward to use with the type of protective cover I am using. In fact my other tablet that I replaced with the Air 2 is a Samsung Note 8, and I've always use a floating volume button on the screen as I find it much more convenient.

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