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Setting up MS Exchange email

Well I managed to get my office email account set up on the pad. Now -the way I think it works is like this (and this may not be the case for other people). My office Outlook is set up to go to some server (which I think resides in the UK). However, we can access Outlook Web Access via IE using some other server which I think is in the US (don't ask me how that works!). I used the server address for the OWA when setting up the account.

A MAC freak in my office helped me. He also said that I needed to get the company's internet certificate from IE onto my Pad. Although - it turns out that I actually didn't need it - here's how you do it. On your work machine, Go to IE - under Tools>Options>Content Tab>Certificates>Trusted Root Certification Authorities> there is a *-pki certificate that I supposedly needed to export and email to my web-based email (hotmail, gmail, etc). This certificate essentially tells IE that content originating from any of the servers listed in your company's domain are safe. In other people's cases - it might have a different name. You would probably have to search for it. >Select said certificate and click on "Export". Insert a file name and save to your desktop or other place. Leave all other options as default. Email this file to your web-based address - then go on your Pad and pull up the email. Save the certificate. I actually didn't get to this last part, as the email started working once I set up the web server address and set a passcode on the iPad. The iPad prompted me to set a passcode only after I set up the exchange email account. Once I did that - I was good to go!

Like I said - this may or may not work in the same way for other people, but I hope it helps somebody! The iPad now gets my Outlook Calendar, Contacts and Mail (complete with all sub-mailboxes). It's great!

I can actually access my work email on my Dell Axim PDA using IE as well - but this sure beats that by FAR! I was able to sit on the couch last night and check and send some work emails. It's fabulous! Now only if there was some way I could tie a cord to this thing and hang it around my neck like I do with my PDA....:D:D:D
Thanks for the information. I am new to the iPad for work, just had it a week. I have my Outlook mail synced but not sure how to toggle between mail, calendar, and contacts. Can you assist?
Hi Diane. Welcome to the Forum, and welcome to the iPad world! I'm glad that you got your iPad to sync with your Mail, Calendar and Contacts. I don't sync my work with my PC. My work email server has a web-based redundancy or mirror, so that we can access Microsoft Exchange email (and Calendar and Contacts) from Internet Explorer. It is this server that I set up on the iPad in order get my work related stuff without having to sync with my work PC. I hope that helps.
This is good information but I am trying to set up the outlook in such a way that my IT administration is not aware to detect it. The following is my issue.
1) How do I escape detection from my company's IT administrators if I were to pull outlook emails from the ipad?

My company do not allow employees to pull email using apple clients (iphones, ipad etc) and yet, we can do so if we know how to do it. However, once the emails are pulled successfully, the IT admin team will send the user a warning email stating that they have detected the use of apple clients (with specific stated model) for the email pull and that we should refrain from doing so.

Ipad is such a wonderful product and I am dying to pull my emails from my ipad (safely of course). So far, I have to depend on the emails pulled from Android (allowed but damn weak and slow interface - Samsung Tab Galaxy). Please help me if you have a solution for me! Thanks all for your time.

Hello tabletpc888. Welcome to the forum. Regarding your question - have you tried to access your office email on the iPad as yet? I can access mine, as my office email is synced to a separate mail server that allows Microsoft Exchange email to be accessed from the internet using Internet Explorer or Firefox. Is this how you are accessing it on your Galaxy Tablet? If so, well you should not have any issues setting up the iPad to receive the same email. The iPad is probably safer to access that server than a PC which doesn't have up to date anti-virus. I don't know if they can or will check to see what type of device is accessing the web mail server though?
Hello tabletpc888. Welcome to the forum. Regarding your question - have you tried to access your office email on the iPad as yet? I can access mine, as my office email is synced to a separate mail server that allows Microsoft Exchange email to be accessed from the internet using Internet Explorer or Firefox. Is this how you are accessing it on your Galaxy Tablet? If so, well you should not have any issues setting up the iPad to receive the same email. The iPad is probably safer to access that server than a PC which doesn't have up to date anti-virus. I don't know if they can or will check to see what type of device is accessing the web mail server though?

Hi Anil
Thanks for your note. I am able to pull my emails via my iPhone, iTouch and iPad - try and tested. However, Apple clients are not supported in my organisation. I am trying to find another alternative way of pulling my emails without detection from my IT administrators (they know exactly which Apple Client you are using to pull your email).

My emails pulled from the Samsun Galaxt Tab is good and real time (sometimes faster than my notebook's MS Exchange) but I seriously detest the interface and the "glichy" instances that had occurred.

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