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Setup for VLC media player on ipad


iPF Noob
I downloaded VLC media player from Cydia because VLC is the only app that will play a video series I want to watch.
Using iskysoft converts it for the ipad but I end up with no sound when using itunes on the mac or Buzz or default video player on the ipad.
I have looked all over the net and everyone tells you how to load VLC on the ipad but no one tells how to move the files from your ftp site to the /var/mobile/Media folder on the ipad.

The window we get that says "No Videos" and the following instructions do nothing for me.
1. I have installed OpenSSH via Cydia
2. I can connect to my ftp site with FTP on the go and see the files I want to put in the /var/mobile/Media folder on my ipad
3. I am stuck on Browse to /var/mobile/Media
If I could locate that file using FTP to go, I could upload the videos

I put in the address given in the WiFi settings (i92.168.1.101) on the ipad in the address box on the right side of FTP on the go and end up back on the welcome page.

Is anyone successfully uploading videos to the /var/mobile/Media folder?
Could they tell me the secret?
I would appreciate someone taking pity on a noobie.

i never had to go this route, i used iTunes to sync stuff to VLC....but i got vlc when it was in the app store.

looks like you need help, anyone...
i never had to go this route, i used iTunes to sync stuff to VLC....but i got vlc when it was in the app store.

looks like you need help, anyone...

To repeat the problem, i am aware of other methods to upload movies to my ipad. The ones I want to watch do have audio and sound on my desktop with VLC. I want to watch a 6 part series on my ipad and there is no sound there either converted or unconverted. It is an mpeg-4 file. Converted it's H.264 with AAC sound which should work but it doesn't.
If someone could just tell me how to designate the download folder on the ipad /var/mobile/Media, I would appreciate it.

Please don't advise me to use another app because I have tried and it doesn't work.
As a last resort, I can watch on my imac.


Thanks again,

Why don't u just use iFile to upload the movies. It works for me.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Thank you for the reply.
I have iFile and can easily find /var/mobile/Media on my ipad.
The problem is how do i upload the files from my computer or ftp server?
A URL or instruction to me either in this forum or private message would be appreciated.
I need more than the name of an app. (FTP on the go, etc., etc); I need HELP!!!!!!
Maybe the solution is too simple for me to comprehend.;)


Do you have Dropbox? Cause the easiest thing to do would be to put the files into Dropbox (from either the PC or directly from the web site). iFile now integrates with Dropbox so it'd be a simple matter of navigating to the folder in which you put the video and either start playing it from Dropbox or cut'n'paste the file to your /var/mobile/Media folder (or wherever you want to put it...maybe even in the VLC app's folder).

Dropbox is free (for 2GB of storage) and you can sync your laptop/desktop up to it for easy transfer back and forth. You can get the app free from the App Store and the little program you need to run Dropbox on your PC/Mac from the Dropbox web site.

Give that a try and see if that'll do ya.

Thank you for the reply.
I have iFile and can easily find /var/mobile/Media on my ipad.
The problem is how do i upload the files from my computer or ftp server?
A URL or instruction to me either in this forum or private message would be appreciated.
I need more than the name of an app. (FTP on the go, etc., etc); I need HELP!!!!!!
Maybe the solution is too simple for me to comprehend.;)




I use a free program called ifunbox, load the program on you PC, fire it up, then connect your ipad and you can copy files from your PC direct to anywhere on the iPad.

I know you said no more App suggestions but i had a similar issue witn some video files and have found the XBMC app will play absolutely anything.

Hope this helps
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I appreciate everyone trying to help. It's gotten to a point where I want to make it work because I refuse to have
my ipad get the best of me.
Siddys, thanks but I am on a Mac not Windoze although it looks like a Mac version is forthcoming.
I have been able to see my ipad on my Mac with iFile, but I can't get past the root.
I noticed there is a short cut for var, but clicking on it or trying to drag a movie file to it does nothing.
I can't believe that I paid for these apps, ftp on the go, ifile, VLC media player and I can't find any docs or tutorial.
I'll keep butting my head and maybe something will happen.

Please continue with suggestions.

if you want access to your iPad root from a Mac, download netatalk(free) from cydia,...... REBOOT(not restart or respring) your device after netatalk installs....and it will show up in your finder(wirelessly).

do you have openssh installed from cydia?

PowerUp - adds reboot, respring, and safe mode options to the standard power off slider as well as providing some additional styling options(activator options)
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I appreciate everyone trying to help. It's gotten to a point where I want to make it work because I refuse to have
my ipad get the best of me.
Siddys, thanks but I am on a Mac not Windoze although it looks like a Mac version is forthcoming.
I have been able to see my ipad on my Mac with iFile, but I can't get past the root.
I noticed there is a short cut for var, but clicking on it or trying to drag a movie file to it does nothing.
I can't believe that I paid for these apps, ftp on the go, ifile, VLC media player and I can't find any docs or tutorial.
I'll keep butting my head and maybe something will happen.

Please continue with suggestions.


Quit beatin your head in and install xbmc from cydia....much betta and slicker....cause apparently no one else uses vlc anymore. Besides I believe there are more members using xbmc than vlc.
Hi Poser,

I do have openssh installed.
I installed netatalk and sure enough, I was able to navigate to /var/mobile/media from my imac.
Problem is that when I try to add a 938.4 MB file, I get the message "The item “2 - xxxxxxxxxxxx.mp4†can’t be copied because there isn’t enough free space."
My ipad shows that I have 11.1 GB free space.
Any ideas???

if you want access to your iPad root from a Mac, download netatalk(free) from cydia,...... REBOOT(not restart or respring) your device after netatalk installs....and it will show up in your finder(wirelessly).

do you have openssh installed from cydia?

PowerUp - adds reboot, respring, and safe mode options to the standard power off slider as well as providing some additional styling options(activator options)
if i find some time, i will try a video transfer to see whats up, but don't count on it, cause i don't know what to transfer right now, even for a test run.

hope someone else can chime in.

i think you should drop it in the VLC folder instead of there, i will check on that.
to get to the vlc folder....var/mobile/application and my vlc folder is this E436CB24-16D1-4882-AEDE-28C0AFB98313
and i have a couple videos in there(in the documents folder of vlc)..... maybe if you put the videos there.

my vlc folder size is 2.82 GB.

i just added a 51mb .m4v music video to that documents folder for vlc.....transferred and played fine.
took maybe 40 secs to transfer.
Thanks again, Poser

The problem is more academic now as I watched the files on my desktop with VLC.
BTW thanks for the PowerUp suggestion.

It just pi$$es me off that I buy apps and there are no user instructions for dummies.

I followed the path you suggested: var/mobile/application and there is no VLC folder.
There are folders for VLCStreamer and VLCStrFree but no plain vanilla VLC folder.
Being new, I installed the others before I found that I needed Cydia to install VLC media player.

I tried to remove VLC media player to reinstall it but it wiggles with no (x) to delete it.

The most pressing problem now is since I can access all the folders in my ipad from my imac with netatalk is that I can't transfer files
because it is reported that there is not enough free space on the ipad.
My settings shows there is 11.1 GB of free space.

It is sad to see Steve go which only reinforces the belief that the good die young.

Looking forward to ios 5 and the untethered jailbreak.

to get to the vlc folder....var/mobile/application and my vlc folder is this E436CB24-16D1-4882-AEDE-28C0AFB98313
and i have a couple videos in there(in the documents folder of vlc)..... maybe if you put the videos there.

my vlc folder size is 2.82 GB.

i just added a 51mb .m4v music video to that documents folder for vlc.....transferred and played fine.
took maybe 40 secs to transfer.

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