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Sharing iTunes between iPad and iTouch


iPF Noob
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm new to all things Apple and won't get my iPad until my birthday (just 2 more days!). I'm buying my husband an iPod Touch 64gb for his birthday next month. Yeah, I know he's getting hosed, but it's what he wants. Can we share an iTunes account and our apps? Are there downsides to sharing an account/apps this way? Can we each choose our own stuff to sync or are we going to end up with devices that mirror each other? His worst nightmare is ending up with my knitting apps/patterns on his Touch or email accounts ending up on each other's devices. It's not that we care...we have each other's passwords, just from a space/possessiveness perspective we'd rather not. :D

If you're still with me and can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Can we share an iTunes account and our apps? Yes, that's the only way to avoid buying apps/movies/music twice (if you both want the same app/movie/song).

Can we choose our own stuff to sync? Yes, iTunes will recognize what device is attached and you can customize what apps you want on your device. And since it's the same iTunes account, you can snag purchases your husband made from his Touch and/or he can snag purchases you made from your iPad.

Good luck and have fun with the iPad and Touch! They're both great devices!
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