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Sharing Itunes Library for Apps????


iPF Noob
If you share libraries on a network does that also allow you to share/see the apps in the other libraries just like the songs?
Mine shares new IPhone apps

My ITunes home network sharing shares all my iphone apps across 4 computers and then to use on all three family phones. I assume as they are both in itunes, IPad apps will also.
Itunes sharing

I am thinking the computer must be authorized to an account, not necessary to be the using same account. My daughter has her own itunes acct, but her macbook is authorized to my stuff, so she can use my apps.
Hmmm... I'll have to take another look at my wife's macbook. I didn't think that apps showed up when using home sharing. I could very easily be wrong about that, though.
Apps in sharing

Look hard as they are mixed in with everything else. on your computer, open up her library in itunes, click the down arrow to see what is in it and there should be a apps icon. I that doesn't work check your sharing settings.
From iTunes Help:

"You can share movies; radio station links; and MP3, Apple Lossless, AIFF, WAV, and AAC files. You can’t share programs purchased from Audible.com or QuickTime sound files."

No mention of Apps. However if you are all on the same iTunes account or authorized on each others machines, nothing is stopping you from sharing apps as I understand it.
Apps in sharing

I just checked my computers, all the ipad apps I purchased today are now on all computers including my media server and my daughter's MacBook Air who has her own itunes acct. They are all authorized for my itunes account.
Thanks to everyone for all of the responses. This is great info. I guess the only sure fire way to find out is to try it tomorrow once I get home from the Apple store.
Sharing Rules

If you share libraries on a network does that also allow you to share/see the apps in the other libraries just like the songs?

Hi - if you're sharing between computers which are associated with two different iTunes accounts I think you can share only *into* the one associated with the computer you're using. If you want to push content - including an app - from the computer you're using into the second computer, associated with a different iTunes account, you can't. I had to go to the second computer and then "pull" content from the first.

Hope that makes sense.

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