Hi Airdale,
(if you're still among us iPad owners).
One year ago I was exactly like you: Computer veteran, iPad noob, and initially I felt exactly the same frustration regarding the stupid file system which requires to duplicate files if you want to access them through different apps. And among other things that drove me crazy on top of the file system, I would add nerves-breaking itunes (after one year, I still can't understand how the sync business work), no straightforward USB-key type of transfer PC <-> ipad, etc...
Yet, after one year, I'm completely in love with my ipad and couldn't live without it.
So here are a few advice to come over your frustration:
- Do some testing and then decide which app to use for each type of document, and once you've chosen stick to your choice. For instance, Goodreader is a very good idea for pdf documents...
- iCab is a great browser, offering tons of extra features (compared to Safari) and the closest to Firefox that you can get on an iPad (in particular, iCab offers the best adblocker of all browser i've tested on the ipad)
- Dropbox is your friend in many situations (including for sharing files between different apps)
- Forget iTunes and use iFunbox to move files between PC <-> iPad... This is the closest you can get to a true "file explorer". Similarly, you can use CopyTransManager to feed the ipod app with songs and playlists. Both iFunbox and CopyTransManager are simple exe files (no installer) but they need to have iTunes installed on the PC to run properly.
- Jailbreak your iPad, and you'll feel so much freedom when using it... Read carefully the iPad hacking section of this forum to understand what jailbreak is all about. You'd also want to read through the
Jailbreak Application and Tweak sub-forum to look for the best available tweaks (iFiles is THE file explorer for ipad). Now that I'm using some of these tweaks, I couldn't live without JB. Becareful, if you consider jailbreaking, then don't update your ipad whenever Apple releases a new version of iOS... because you usually can't go back and the new version may not be available for Jailbreak...
I hope you'll finally get use to your ipad and are able to come over some of its very annoying features... Things that are really great include: the amazing choice of apps for all familly members, battery life (compared to any notebook or Android device), quality of the screen (and I'm only a iPad 2 owner) even in pretty bright daylight, ease of use for non-geek family members (including kids, grand-ma, etc...

), stability of iOS...
Hopes this helps,
By the way, I'm also an Android fan: I couldn't live without my Android phone either (good for wifi tethering, playing around with files, desktop customization, and all the things that the ipad/iphone can't do) but for a Tablet, I believe the iPad (still) beats Android