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Sheet music Player


iPF Noob
Im new to the forum and I tried a few searches but no luck.
I looking for something I can import sheet music as PDF but then actually play the music.

Im in my church choir and want to practice singing. We get our sheet music ahead of time and need to practice during the week.
I myself can't play music but would like to have a simple piano playing that I can sing along with.

I found plenty of apps that will import and display sheet music as PDF but that's not what I need.

I need something like the old player piano.

Hi there-I don't have an answer for you, but others may. So be patient and hopefully others coming on will see your thread.

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iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 by Apple Inc.

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Thanks for the response.

I will look at your links later.
I was not looking for general information, however I know you post your response as a Courtesy for new members.

I'm used to my iPad 2 and iPhone 1 as I am a recovering Apple help desk Tier 2
I did iPhone and iPad for 3 years.

I searched the forum for a few days and I figured I'd post my question.
Music sheet OCR with playback. Tough one. I don't know of any iPad app that will do this, and it's something I would have remembered reading about.

You 'might' be able to find something for OSX or Windows that would scan then export to some format playable by the iPad. I did a brief Google and saw a couple of promising links.

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