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Should you buy a new iPad 3 or iPad 2 tablet?

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iPF Noob
Along with the complaint below (which I have heard from other iPad users), the fact is neither is perfect... and the new iPad 3 is not any "better" of an experience, contrary to what you think. Reality says that iPad 2 had a great year last year, and this is with rather crappy choices in hand. I will grant that the iPad hardware is a better overall package than the majority of iPad 2 tablets. That's not to say there isn't a good iPad 2 device (hardwarewise)... it's just that people don't always look, and expect the cheap ones to be perfect as well.

I have an iPad 2 with a "non-ideal" screen... in off angles, it's not as good as an new iPad. However, it's not that big of a deal... it works quite well. I really don't care that it has this "problem" because it does everything the new iPad does, at less than half the price.

You can see ipad 2 price from Amazon here: Amazon.com

As for the new "retina" display, keep in mind, this display has the same PPI as my ancient OG Droid phone.

So, you tell me, how is the "experience" any better, REALLY? What's "better"? Because, as a platform, I have not seen any difference in capability... and every time I ask, people for examples, I get none.
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iam still on the fence about either buying the ipad2 or 3. the 3 is way to much money for me. but the thing that is keeping me from not buying a ipad 2 is some people telling me that apple wont support it with firmware updates. i dont know how true it is
but i do like the ipad2 for what i need it for.those prices for the ipad 2 on amazon was way over priced i can get an ipad2 32 gig for 499 from bestbuy
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