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Hope you can help this old gray mare become more tech savvy with my iPad2. I have 10 apps that won't download. Any suggestions?
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I already did the download thing. It didn't change anything. I've uninstalled one of my apps & reinstalled it without any problem. Does this mean that I have to do that to all of them? I don't really want to do that because I will lose information &/or have to re-enter personal information.
jenizzy55 said:
I already did the download thing. It didn't change anything. I've uninstalled one of my apps & reinstalled it without any problem. Does this mean that I have to do that to all of them? I don't really want to do that because I will lose information &/or have to re-enter personal information.

Did you have any downloads pending in iTunes? I would close the app store app completely and then relaunch it. From the home screen do the four finger swipe up or double press the home button to reveal your multi task bar. These are all the apps that you have opened at one time. Long press the app until it jiggles and a red minus sign will appear above it. Press the minus sign, this will close the app, not delete it, now press the home button to return to your screen. It's also a good idea to close all these apps, as it helps the iPad run smoothly. Now see if they will update.

Have you upgraded your iPad to the latest OS which is 5.1.1? Whenever the iPad is updated the apps also get an update to run on the new OS.....if you haven't, sometimes the apps will not update until the iPad is updated also.

If this isn't it, you may have to restart or reset your iPad, this will not change anything on your iPad and is akin to rebooting a PC.

Restart - Press and hold the power off button, the one at the top right. You will see a slide appear to power off, slide this and the screen will go dark and a Whirly will appear. When the Whirly disappears your iPad is now off. Press the power button again until the Apple logo appears, this will take a few seconds and your iPad will restart. You should restart your iPad occasionally also as it will keep it running well. Now see if it is operating.

Reset - Hold the power off button and the home button simultaneously, keep holding them in and you will see the power off slide appear and disappear, wait until you see the Apple logo appear before releasing the buttons. It will take a little longer for your iPad to start.

Let us know how you go.

iPad 2 3G 64gb
Hello and Welcome to our forum!

We hope you can find a lot of help here and enjoy the forums as well.

Please read the forum rules (link in my signature for your convenience) and remember that the search function is always your best friend.

Best of luck,
@Leelai: I am running 5.1.1. I have done both restart & reset. Nothing happened. Someone suggested I delete my app store app & reinstall it but how do I do that? I can't get any of my apps that came with the iPad to delete.
jenizzy55 said:
@Leelai: I am running 5.1.1. I have done both restart & reset. Nothing happened. Someone suggested I delete my app store app & reinstall it but how do I do that? I can't get any of my apps that came with the iPad to delete.

Native apps that came with the iPad cannot be deleted....are you trying to download apps or do updates for them?
There have been quite a few reports of people having trouble updating and downloading. Other remedies were to sign out of your AppStore account and then resign back in, go to Settings - App Store and tap on your Apple ID, this will bring up an option box, press sign out. You will see the page change, now press Sign In at the top and another option box will pop up, just press existing account and sign back in.

All downloads and updates can also be done on your PC and then synced to your iPad also.

See how you go and let us know.

iPad 2 3G 64gb
leelai said:
Native apps that came with the iPad cannot be deleted....are you trying to download apps or do updates for them?
There have been quite a few reports of people having trouble updating and downloading. Other remedies were to sign out of your AppStore account and then resign back in, go to Settings - App Store and tap on your Apple ID, this will bring up an option box, press sign out. You will see the page change, now press Sign In at the top and another option box will pop up, just press existing account and sign back in.

All downloads and updates can also be done on your PC and then synced to your iPad also.

See how you go and let us know.

iPad 2 3G 64gb

I had done the Apple ID, sign-out, reboot & sign-in thing without success. I just went ahead and deleted then reinstalled the 10 apps affected. I hope that takes care of it. I wish I knew why it happened in the first place. Thanks for all your suggestions. I learned a lot through this process. Thanks again.
jenizzy55 said:
I had done the Apple ID, sign-out, reboot & sign-in thing without success. I just went ahead and deleted then reinstalled the 10 apps affected. I hope that takes care of it. I wish I knew why it happened in the first place. Thanks for all your suggestions. I learned a lot through this process. Thanks again.

I certainly hope that's the end of your problems with this and thank you for letting us know....enjoy!

iPad 2 3G 64gb
Thank you so much for all of your suggestions. I had already tried the Apple ID thing. I gave up and deleted then reinstalled all 10 affected apps. So far so good. I just wish I knew why it happened in the first place.

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