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So you want to jailbreak?


iPF Noob
A lot of users want to jailbreak their devices because it will let you do more with it. From a technical point of view, this is a great way to learn more about technology and having more fun.

But I don't know if i'm getting old or just lazy, but I have left that crazy fun track to simply use my devices as they are meant too. Not really crazy about customization as for me, it's like playing Barby doll outfits ;). Just need to put my own wallpaper and i'm happy.

Ok, now here's what you can do to expand your device features without doing a jailbreak...


I've turned to the streaming services like Netflix and TVUplayer. Netflix has a recurring monthly fee, but in the end, it's worth that 8$ a month. No need to rip, transcode, store huge files, etc... It's available anywhere and everywhere without having to think about access, security, storage maintenance. And it's legal, you are contributing to keep a service alive.

For stored movies, then I use handbrake for ripping my bought DVDs and put them on an external hardrive connected to a winxp computer, running iTunes and tversity (media server). The reason for iTunes is for my apple tv mainly. But with the new iOS 4.3, home sharing is now available on our devices making it quite handy. Since my iTunes server is a bit out of reach ( in a closet), I use Fusion Stream Store as my tversity client. I can browse all my media files, and download them on my device so I can have them on the go...


For stored mp3 files, I do the same as for my movies. But I actually use Shoutcast a lot as I like the diversity. I never had a big mp3 collection as I hate having to manage 1000's of files.


Basically, everything is done with my iPhone 3GS as it is easier to work it than my iPad :). Almost any OS can manage the pictures on a computer, so no need for big complex solutions there. It I want one of the picture on my iPad, I can use dropbox, emails, Bluetooth apps, etc...


This is probably one of the most wanted feature when doing a jailbreak. But I am lucky on that part as I can tether my iPad to my iPhone over Bluetooth. Thanks to iOS 4.3! And of course, my provider, Rogers, has enabled the feature since I have a good data plan. But in the end, you have to ask yourself if you really need that mobile connectivity on the iPad. A lot of free wifi are available everywhere, and if you have an iPhone, IT CAN DO IT! Is there a major issue that you must absolutely be able to get your email on your iPad? For sure, it's better for watching movies or online games, there's no doubt about that, but for just getting info from the web, social networking, etc, the iPhone can do it also :)

And also, USB tethering is working with any computers... So the major issue would be provider fees for tethering. That's where doing a jailbreak could be interesting. Or simply move to another provider (lots of alternative in Canada)

File storage:

Yep, by doing a jailbreak, you can have full access to your file system, being able to do what ever you want. But is it that useful? There are tons of free apps that let you store files on the device itself over wifi, or USB or even Bluetooth... I really like MyMedia, oPlayerHD and Downloader. Just plain working, easy to use, and no chance of messing your device.

Playing AVI, Ogg, Mkv:

There was Vlc a few months ago... But seriously, it was slow... OPlayer HD Lite is a much better solution, and it lets you download files from the web... There are other player as well that can play all kinds of format for free.


In the end, I can do whatever I want with my iDevices without needing to jailbreak. And I avoid all the hassle of doing the maintenance and can do the upgrades as soon as they are available. So for me, doing a jailbreak only brings more customization options and a way to tether to avoid more fees (which I don't have).

Last year, doing a jailbreak was interesting because you could run Skype over 3G (which was not possible at the time), have background running apps, tether over wifi since Bluetooth and USB were not working on Ubuntu. Oh one thing I do miss: having all those ringtones available without having to go thru iTunes... But, hey, is a ringtone a statement of who I am? :)

Am I missing another key feature missing from the stock iOS ?

VicoPad addict!
1. It's $20 extra a month to tether w/iPhone on Verizon - ripoff
We are going to a resort in May that charges $8 a day For wifi which I refuse to pay - MyWi is our solution (as long as Verizon doesn't crack down like Att)
2. Facetime over 3G not avail on Verizon - My3G is a must jailbreak app!
3. XBMC - makes AppleTv2 a must have device (great on iPad/iPhone/iPod too)
There are much more but I've gotta go:)
Mountaingamer said:
1. It's $20 extra a month to tether w/iPhone on Verizon - ripoff
We are going to a resort in May that charges $8 a day For wifi which I refuse to pay - MyWi is our solution (as long as Verizon doesn't crack down like Att)
2. Facetime over 3G not avail on Verizon - My3G is a must jailbreak app!
3. XBMC - makes AppleTv2 a must have device (great on iPad/iPhone/iPod too)
There are much more but I've gotta go:)

As said, for avoiding fees, jailbreak is a solution. I think FaceTime does not support 3G at all, but not sure of this. So if you want to do video conference call, Skype or tango are the solutions. They work over 3G and they are available on all kinds of platforms, not just macs.

XMBC, to my knowledge is a media center, but on a functional point of view, it seems to do the same thing as the stock apple tv: watching movies... Surely there is more options and goodies, but in the end, if you want more, you should go with sling box or boxee... It's like hitting a nail with a screwdriver. Get a hammer if this is what you want.

VicoPad addict!
Bluetooth tethering is very slow compared to wifi. BT protocol only can go so high in data speeds. Wifi blows it away in terms of connection speeds possible. It is a good alternative though cuz it's better thn no tethering at all or if ur mobile device can't do wifi tethering. My phone can do both but I use wifi as it tethers my 3G speeds perfectly and instantly connects every time to my iPad. No hassle!

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!
Yes, iPad is good stock configuration. But with jailbreak, it's just way more capable. Me not needing iTunes to sync media or files anymore to my iPad is reason enough. Stock configuration means ur still chained to the desktop syncing media and stuff. With jailbreak and Ifiles, from Cydia, I can do most things a reg. Pc can do. Too much stuff to list asmto how great I have my iPad tweaked. Another good example is I no longer need to use iPad hardware buttons. Thru jail brake, I have touch gestures to control " Everything". Power off, respring, reboot, bring up multitasking bar, put device to sleep, etc... ;-)

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!
Demandarin said:
Yes, iPad is good stock configuration. But with jailbreak, it's just way more capable. Me not needing iTunes to sync media or files anymore to my iPad is reason enough. Stock configuration means ur still chained to the desktop syncing media and stuff. With jailbreak and Ifiles, from Cydia, I can do most things a reg. Pc can do. Too much stuff to list asmto how great I have my iPad tweaked. Another good example is I no longer need to use iPad hardware buttons. Thru jail brake, I have touch gestures to control " Everything". Power off, respring, reboot, bring up multitasking bar, put device to sleep, etc... ;-)

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!

These are solutions not needing any iTunes sync. Going from media sharing to downloading... Look at Fusion Stream Store, or OPlayer HD, no iTunes is needed with them. That was my point, what you are doing with iFile, can be done in a same manner with those apps. Just found out another one that is pretty slick: TIOD. It lets you browser and download from windows share...

As for control gesture, i'm not a big fan. A hardware button feels more real for me :). But this falls in the tweaking category and preferences...

VicoPad addict!
Demandarin said:
Bluetooth tethering is very slow compared to wifi. BT protocol only can go so high in data speeds. Wifi blows it away in terms of connection speeds possible. It is a good alternative though cuz it's better thn no tethering at all or if ur mobile device can't do wifi tethering. My phone can do both but I use wifi as it tethers my 3G speeds perfectly and instantly connects every time to my iPad. No hassle!

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!

I've made some tests for speeds over Bluetooth and it is really slower, but not unusable. Netflix, for example, does work perfectly over Bluetooth tethering. Of course if you want to download a big file as fast as you can, there is no comparison. But for casual Internet browsing, media viewing, it is more than adequate as you can reach around 1.5 mb/s which is enoug for video streaming. Probably not for hd streaming...

Upload speed is darn slow, barely usable I must say...

VicoPad addict!
DrHouse said:
These are solutions not needing any iTunes sync. Going from media sharing to downloading... Look at Fusion Stream Store, or OPlayer HD, no iTunes is needed with them. That was my point, what you are doing with iFile, can be done in a same manner with those apps. Just found out another one that is pretty slick: TIOD. It lets you browser and download from windows share...

As for control gesture, i'm not a big fan. A hardware button feels more real for me :). But this falls in the tweaking category and preferences...

VicoPad addict!

That's right, I think I remember u hinting at that also from another thread I commented same stuff on..lol. True, a lot of same tasks can be done, but it really takes a lot of searching to figure that out for stock configuration. I do see where u coming from though. Even still, a Jailbroken iPad can do a lot more thn a stock one. No way around that. There isn't a workaround for stock for most things done thru Jailbreaking. It is about preference though, of what the user wants. They all still wonder n think about jail brake once they know about it..lmao

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!
DrHouse said:
I've made some tests for speeds over Bluetooth and it is really slower, but not unusable. Netflix, for example, does work perfectly over Bluetooth tethering. Of course if you want to download a big file as fast as you can, there is no comparison. But for casual Internet browsing, media viewing, it is more than adequate as you can reach around 1.5 mb/s which is enoug for video streaming. Probably not for hd streaming...

Upload speed is darn slow, barely usable I must say...

VicoPad addict!

Not knocking BT tethering as it was my first kind of tethering I ever did years ago. But once I learned about how to wifi tether, and able to do it, there was no turning back.

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!
Demandarin said:
That's right, I think I remember u hinting at that also from another thread I commented same stuff on..lol. True, a lot of same tasks can be done, but it really takes a lot of searching to figure that out for stock configuration. I do see where u coming from though. Even still, a Jailbroken iPad can do a lot more thn a stock one. No way around that. There isn't a workaround for stock for most things done thru Jailbreaking. It is about preference though, of what the user wants. They all still wonder n think about jail brake once they know about it..lmao

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!

Yep, more can be done! :). The intent of this post is to inform that there are solutions for those who are not sure if it's what they need. It's a bit like Linux, often, new users will end up following a geeky howto when they could have simply gone into Preferences or use a software to do the task they want to do without having to use cryptic scripts and procedures ;)

VicoPad addict!
DrHouse said:
Yep, more can be done! :). The intent of this post is to inform that there are solutions for those who are not sure if it's what they need. It's a bit like Linux, often, new users will end up following a geeky howto when they could have simply gone into Preferences or use a software to do the task they want to do without having to use cryptic scripts and procedures ;)

VicoPad addict!

Good point and good idea then. Most of the time they get themselves into trouble not really knowing what they getting into..lol

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!
Demandarin said:
Good point and good idea then. Most of the time they get themselves into trouble not really knowing what they getting into..lol

Sent From IPF app, if u need to know about the wonders of Jailbrake, inbox me!

As I say often, if it looks like a cool idea, it's not a good idea! :)

VicoPad addict!

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