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SoCal Photographer

John Photography

iPF Noob
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
hello everyone! glad to find a forum dedicated to the iPad. been a long time MAC user, but was a bit hesitant on pickin' up the newly released iPad. never a fan of any 1st generation products.

but the portability and convenience of the iPad, i'm strongly considering picking one up for carrying around my digital portfolio. but i have a few questions...

  1. When i'm on the go, i'll need to bring out the iPad and show potential clients photos. How fast is it to boot up an iPad? Or would it be better to keep it in "sleep/standby" mode, then wake it up when needed?
  2. I hear there are WiFi issues not connecting to home networks. Has this been resolved? If not, is there a work around?

thanks for the great community and friendly welcome.
Welcome, this is the introduction forum, the help forum would be better ask your tech questions. Most have zero WIFI issues, it seems to be more of a router issues. There are tons of threads on the subject on this site.... Do a search....

Lots of photographers here as well.....

Boot time is about 1 second.
Welcome John...

I have successfully used my 32G iPad in the same manner with my photog work as well! It is exactly what you need to separate yourself from the masses.
It's not a laptop, it's all standby, instant on. You can sit din and be presenting within 30 seconds.
Welcome, this is the introduction forum, the help forum would be better ask your tech questions. Most have zero WIFI issues, it seems to be more of a router issues. There are tons of threads on the subject on this site.... Do a search....

Lots of photographers here as well.....

Boot time is about 1 second.
thanks for the welcome. i will post my questions in the proper section.

Welcome John...

I have successfully used my 32G iPad in the same manner with my photog work as well! It is exactly what you need to separate yourself from the masses.
thanks Isaac. Did you export your photos down to 72 dpi to save space?
It's not a laptop, it's all standby, instant on. You can sit din and be presenting within 30 seconds.
exactly what i need, thanks!
Welcome to the forums, hope to see you around!!:)

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