I found this thread having only just come up with the issue of needing to rotate videos taken on the ipad, some are portrait and some are upside down depending on how the ipad was held during recording. I've rotated in Windows Live Movie Maker, but how does this save the original video, so I can send it to someone? All I have is a 3kb,yes KB(!) file of a wlmp file which is a movie maker project file but I don't see how this does the trick? I may be really dumb (I'm actually a Microsoft IT Trainer!!!) but if I send the unedited video to someone they can open it, if I want to rotate and perhaps trim the video before sending, how do I save the changes having done this in WLMM as the person would want to open the video just in media player? I've spent hours googling it and downloaded VLC, which keeps crashing and still haven't managed to even understand what the movie maker is and how it doesn't affect the original video file. Please help!