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Somewhat lost after re-installing Windows and iTunes


iPF Noob
Hello all....

I recently had to re-install Windows 7 64-bit on my computer that I use to sync my iPad 1 with due to some slowness and instability.

I started out by doing a complete iTunes backup that spanned 3 DVD's.

After re-installing Windows, I downloaded and installed iTunes from the internet. I then inserted each DVD, one by one, and let iTunes take over, and said YES when it asked if I wanted to restore from the backup.

Now, when I plugged my iPad in for the first tiime, it told me that it was synced to another iTunes library, so, I selected "Transfer Purchases" because I had read that was the proper choice in this case.

Now, however, everytime I plug in, it keeps telling me that the iPad is still syned with another library and only gives me the choice to Erase and Sync or Cancel.

I was under the impression that doing the backup to disc and then restore from disc was going to prevent this from happening. Did I do something wrong? I am jailbroke on 4.3.3, and do not want to lose my jailbreak.

Thanks in advance.
Hello all....

I recently had to re-install Windows 7 64-bit on my computer that I use to sync my iPad 1 with due to some slowness and instability.cool..

I started out by doing a complete iTunes backup that spanned 3 DVD's.very good, you saved everything in iTunes..

After re-installing Windows, I downloaded and installed iTunes from the internet. I then inserted each DVD, one by one, and let iTunes take over, and said YES when it asked if I wanted to restore from the backup.you did good, exactly how it should be done..

Now, when I plugged my iPad in for the first tiime, it told me that it was synced to another iTunes library, so, I selected "Transfer Purchases" because I had read that was the proper choice in this case. Now also transferring purchases is a good practice, but the backup you did with the dvd's covered that, no problem transferring purchases though.. Did you authorize new iTunes?...

Now, however, everytime I plug in, it keeps telling me that the iPad is still syned with another library and only gives me the choice to Erase and Sync or Cancel. Not a problem, this is for media(music, videos, apps), but since you backed up with the DVD's, you can choose the erase and sync, you just have to select everything again, since you backed them up from the DVD's to your new iTunes...but before you proceed on doing anything, connect iPad to iTunes and do a backup, this is important, and would usually back up with a normal sync...

I was under the impression that doing the backup to disc and then restore from disc was going to prevent this from happening. Did I do something wrong? I am jailbroke on 4.3.3, and do not want to lose my jailbreak.you will not lose your jailbreak, iPad 1 will always be jailbreakable, now...an iPad can only be synced to 1 iTunes, in your case, its a new iTunes, that will be your official iTunes again...

Thanks in advance.

did you save your 4.3.3 shsh blobs with tiny umbrella?
Thank you,

I will do that now.

Also, before the wipe, I deauthorized the computer, and then when I installed iTunes again after the wipe, I authorized again. I have made that mistake more than once before and ended up running out of my 5, and having to deauthorize everything and start again.

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