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Specific Comic Reading questions.


iPF Noob
Hi guys,

I have 30+gb of cbr, cbz files on my pc. Usually when i want to read a comic I use my eeepc and rotate to portrait mode and use CDisplay to read the files (they are organised in explorer and sorted via filename 01, 02 etc for correct reading order).

How can i duplicate a similar experience with a jailbroken ipad2?

what i'm looking at specifically is:

a) using 'Windows Networking' app, is it possible to drag and drop my cbr files over my wifi home network via my pc using 'My Network Places'? If it helps to answer this question, I can see all files and folders on the ipad2 this way, I just need to find the right place to store them so that a reader such as Stanza can see them.

b) when using the above method, what is a good comic reader to use? I'm not interested in categories, authors etc, i MUST be able to browse via folders and filename and open with a good comic reader app. (I have ifile installed)

Cloudreaders are nice, but i need to read comics on the go. The idea is i dl the cbr files via my pc, place the new cbr files in my comic folder on pc and then using a program such as 'All-way Sync' point to the folder on the ipad via My Network Places and keep it up to date/synced.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

PS I don't want an itunes solution. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. :D
1) Not sure about Windows Networking, but I know for sure that an FTP will work such as WinSCP for Windows or Cyberduck for Mac. You'll also need OpenSSH on your iPad (free from Cydia) to enable FTP. Then you can navigate into the root file of the comic reader and drag and drop the comics from your PC to iPad or iPad to PC.

2) It depends on your type of comic. Certain comic genres will ONLY read certain titled comics. In a way, you can classify this into 2 broad types: Japanese Manga and Misc, with Japanese Manga being the larger subcategory. But there are other Comic Readers/Downloaders that can allow you to view both. Find the comic reader that matches your genre for best results

There are a few apps that you can get from the AppStore that will allow you to download comics straight into your device. And backing them up to your PC isn't difficult (just use the WinSCP/Cyberduck method). iTunes is by far one of the worst solutions to any problem. The only real use of iTunes is to really just restore your device. You can transfer music, pictures, apps, emails, contacts, ANYTHING using FTP, and FTP doesn't limit your iPad/idevices to only 1 computer like iTunes does.

EDIT: Sorry Marilyn. Slipped my mind :x

[Moderator edit: Post edited, again, for referencing alternate means of getting apps through means other than the App Store. And stop referring to piracy. Even the "wink wink, nudge, nudge" type of referring being done here is not condoned! No piracy means no piracy. Period. Finally, do not edit out moderator edits! This is the last request/warning...]
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanx for that, will look into OpenSSH. But right now I can see all the root folders of the ipad, I'm just unsure where to put cbr/cbz files. I think i'll try certain safe obvious looking places and work from there.
Thanx for that, will look into OpenSSH. But right now I can see all the root folders of the ipad, I'm just unsure where to put cbr/cbz files. I think i'll try certain safe obvious looking places and work from there.

I would create a folder right on the root of the iPad called "Comics" or something, and plop them all in there.
You can do what graywolf said. Create a folder on your iPad and drag and drop all the comics in. Then get something like iFile that lets you go through your root files as if you were using SSH/FTP except it's on the physical iPad itself. Then navigate to the folder and open it using different comic readers and see if they're compatible. If not, just download another and see if that one works. If it does work, then just transfer the random comics folder you have to the actual directory of the reader for easier access to the material

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