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Speech to text app not requiring Internet


iPF Noob
Hi I'm new to the forums and I think I have posted in the right place.

I have a friend who is deaf and I need a speech to text app to be able to talk to him and to work as I only have one arm and it takes me forever to type something to him as he is still learning sign language as am I. So what i need I an app which does not require Internet.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
I think the OP wants it the other way around, convert speech to text. The app linked converts text to speech.

To the best of my knowledge there is no dictation app for the iPad that will work without internet accesses. Real time (or near real time) speech to text require some serious data and processor power that has not been available to mobile devices until recently. I've heard rumors of both Apple and Google adding (limited) speech to text capabilities, but have not seen any actual products.

I do seem to remember one or another Google/Android phone offering (again limited) offline speech recognition along this line, but can't remember what phone or feature was involved. That was several months ago, and it doesn't seem to have made much of splash, so maybe it is just a half remembered rumor.

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Thanks for that. It isn't quite what I'm looking for as it is a text to speech not speech to text. Your help is much appreciated, so thank you.
I think the OP wants it the other way around, convert speech to text. The app linked converts text to speech.

To the best of my knowledge there is no dictation app for the iPad that will work without internet accesses. Real time (or near real time) speech to text require some serious data and processor power that has not been available to mobile devices until recently. I've heard rumors of both Apple and Google adding (limited) speech to text capabilities, but have not seen any actual products.

I do seem to remember one or another Google/Android phone offering (again limited) offline speech recognition along this line, but can't remember what phone or feature was involved. That was several months ago, and it doesn't seem to have made much of splash, so maybe it is just a half remembered rumor.


D'oh! You are so right! I feel such a fool!!

The Archangel
Evi is your best bet. Its not as good as Siri, it only searches answers for your questions or talk to her like one of those talking bots to have a conversation. It can also locate the nearest stuff around you. There may be more for it, but its our best bet so far.
Evi needs an internet connection, just like Siri, in order to translate Speech to Text. What's more, like Siri, it would be less than ideal for the OP's purpose, since it's about answering questions and doing searches; not typing out the text for reading.

Barring the need to be offline, Dragon Dictation or the built in Dictation feature would work better.

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