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Stacked windows in safari

Welcome to the forum, search is your friend by the way, you'll often get an answer wicker by searching than you will by opening a new thread.
I don't quite see what you're trying to stay here. With iOS5 the only way of having multiple pages open is to have them in tabs...

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
I can't see the stacked window icon in safari, I can only open tabs. Any ideas? Thanks.

Are you referring to what we had prior to the ios 5 update? If so, Mr. Luke is correct with the way ios5 created tabs to open multiple windows versus closing down one page to revert to a previous one. I sort of found that a bit annoying and like the tab system. To me, it is consistent with how I view and surf online using my PC. Hope this clarified your question. Good luck. :)

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